help with the kykros coby mid8042 sandwich?? language and jumps around


Junior Member
Feb 17, 2015
hello I know go to settings then all at once it is jumping around and another language comes up I am English speaking so where do I go and how to change back to English ? also it jumps around sometimes when comes up and the screen at times get stuck ?? I cannot send it back now for I have had it a year or longer and nevered used that much now I decide to use it . it is a coby kyros mid8042-4 . any help would be nice. I am lost with this. I tried to ask in the forum but can seem to understand where to go to ask? It was English when I got it. now I have no idea but need to go back to English and stop the jumping around on the touchscreen.
Go to settings>Language & Input>Language.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "jumping around". Can you describe it more clearly please? and post exactly what you must do to reproduce the problem?

Don't even try to send it back, Coby is out of business. You're stuck with whatever help we can give you.
Go to settings>Language & Input>Language.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "jumping around". Can you describe it more clearly please? and post exactly what you must do to reproduce the problem?

Don't even try to send it back, Coby is out of business. You're stuck with whatever help we can give you.

I can go to settings ok but the touch screen wants to jump or side around a lot I think that s what happened to it when it changed from English to something else it was pushed by accident now I cannot get back to English for I do not where to go how far down in settings? in order words it is not English . I do not know why the screen is jumping around ?
I can't tell you exactly where because I do not have an 8042 handy to refer to. Do you have the owner's manual? Often they will have a step-by-step for such, and perhaps you can get a clue from that. If you don't have the printed one, you might be able to find a PDF online.

I am still not clear on what you mean by the screen jumping around, so I can't tell you why it might be doing that. Does it slide from side to side, black out, change screens or what?

Without the labels, it will be difficult to find, but if you do not have a custom recovery installed you might be able to do a factory reset. IF THIS TABLET HAS A CUSTOM RECOVERY DO NOT DO A FACTORY RESET FROM SETTINGS. If that is the case do it from the recovery.

One tip that might help. In the Settings main page, each category should have an icon to its left. The Language & input one has a capital A with three dots below it, black A on a square white background. The very first field on the right is the Language setting. The backup & reset icon is a dot with a circular arrow around it counterclockwise, and the factory data reset is the very last field on the right.


This is the same on three different tablets, two of them Coby, all running Ice Cream Sandwich. I am just assuming it will be the same on your 8042.
What he is referring to is the touchscreen response being overly sensitive and erratic. On my device, cleaning the screen and having a fully charged battery minimizes this problem.

As to resetting the language to English, you have two options. One, assuming the screen cooperates, is to tap the 16th item in the language list. That should be English (United States). The other is a factory reset.