HELP!!! WM8650 Adroid OS Upgrade


Feb 16, 2012
Hi all,

I know this post has probably been used loads but I can't seem to find any help within them, not sure if I'm doing the steps right or not so thought I would put a post out there and see if I get any clear help.

I don't have any experience with tablets, this is my first one and in a way I wish I hadn't bought it. I have the WM8650 8", Android Version 2.2, Kernel, Build number: generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver 1.5.5-20110920.083830. It has a green led when powered up, red when charging and a black charging socket, it also vibrates on powering up and down.

Ideally I would like to upgrade the OS so that I have access to the Market and and be able to download what ever apps I want, also I have heard that HoneyComb onwards runs better and uses less battery power.

Is is possible to do this?
Also I am having a problem keeping my Wifi connected, is this a common fault and what can I do to fix this?

If someone could help that would be brilliant!!!
Hi, look for posts or onpc about uberoid v11. This will give you honeycomb os ability & root your need to download from a pc to an sd card (files need to be unzipped 1st, then open changer.bat file, you will need to enter a number relevant to your tablet model. Then it will ask you to load to sd card). Tablet model numbers can be found under changer.dat (they're not always correct but if you follow the rule- screen size/power light colour you can just keep trying til a number works..if your tab freezes just start again using a differen changer number. It can be frustrating but its worth it in the end as you will. Have a much better tab.
If you still can't access android market after this, follow these instructions;go to settings/applications/manage apps- click market, clear cache, then force stop. Then to google services framework, clear data, then force stop. Restart your tab and it should work. Good luck and remember, be patient when loading uberoid, you may be lucky and get it 1st took me some time to discover my model was a mid703 (it was advertised as an e18!) I did a friend of mines & that took me to number 26 (about 16th attempt)

Sent from my WM8650 using Android Tablet Forum
Thank you, I have started tryingto find the right ROM number of uberoid for my tablet, found that no15 works quite well but refuses to connect to my home wifi and if won't connect here then I will be stuffed for using it at uni (unless I use my personal hotspot on my phone)

I have read that the wifi connectivity could be down to the router?

Any ideas???
Try connecting where you have access to free unsecure wireless (McDonalds, Starbuck, local library). If that works then it is likely your security settings or your router.
If you can get into your router settings, see if you can change it from 802.11b/g/n to 802.11b/g only. This worked for me.. otherwise see if you have root explorer app you may need to buy this so try other 1st. In root explorer go to system/ etc/ wireless...look for rt2870 sta click on rt2870sta.dat.
Then open text editor, somewhere on the page you will see txpower=20 (about. 12 lines down. Delete the 20 and type 100
Go back,, save and restart tab
Having fun now? :)
Sent from my WM8650 using Android Tablet Forum
Ps wifi is poor on these tabs anyway..5metres seems about the norm

Sent from my WM8650 using Android Tablet Forum