WM8650...how to determine model? help


Dec 28, 2011
id like to ask for some help in trying to find out what tablet i have...all i can do is give you as much information as i can as i cant find anything within the software that gives me a model type...im trying to update the ROM and im currently stuck were it asks to enter the model can someone please help me out here...

Woundermedia WM8650
Android version 2.2
Kernal version
Build number
Generic-eng2.2 froyo ver 1.5.5-20110920.083830

It has a green LED when on and red when charging
it also vibrates...

If anymore info is needed please ask, any help would be fantastic
Thank you
I have the same problem here!
I'm trying to update the firmware for this one Firmwares/Downloads (2 point touch) and my touchscreen is not working anymore!
Now i'm trying the single point, after that I will message if it worked or not!
Please, I need some help here hahah
Nothing...Touchscreen still not working..
WonderMedia WM8650

Android Version

Kernel Version

Build Number
generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver 1.5.3-20110819.062300

How can I update my firmware with all stuffs working?
Have you gone through the chart at Login? In some cases the best way to know for sure what you have is to open it up and see the model number on the circuit board.
Updating rom (uberoid).....Try option 20. I had a hard time with this too, but after flashing it using several other codes 20 worked for me you model is probably one of the following: ePad M009D 7" or MID A713 7"
I had the exact same problem. When uberoid asks for model try option 20. This one worked for me even after I had flashed and my touchscreen stopped working. If this doesn't work the problem probably is that you selected the wrong model number, all I could suggest is keep trying, changing the model number each time, until it works. PS...I have the same model as you and I tried model options 8,9,2 and they didn't work.
Ok so i finally got my tablet working perfectly. I usedoption 8 but used a different ROM. The ROM on the techknow wbsite i think is a new version.
i used the install instruction above but the newer version ROM. Everything on the tablet is now perfect i 2ven get over 3 hours usageafter a full charge...hope this helps