Here you are the Zenithink ZT280 to review. :)


Feb 16, 2011
Got the tablet in hand today afternoon
It's Zenithink ZT280
Looks a little longer..

$Zenithink ZT280 (37).JPG
The UI is very interesting! It's like a ball!

$Zenithink ZT280 (20).JPG
Support Multi languages.

$Zenithink ZT280 (24).JPG

$Zenithink ZT280 (16).JPG
HDMI port~!

$Zenithink ZT280 (15).JPG

You can play angry bird and other games.
Can you play games on it such as NOVA, Modern Combat, Assassin Creed, NFS Shift, Splintecell etc.?
And can it be used for drawing (I mean it has a capactive screen but is it responsive enough - can you draw sth on it)?
Could you also tell me where you bought it from?
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Very good tablet. I use Skype video regularly as well as Netflix, HBO go, YouTube, watch ESPN live stream. With flash 11 and HTML 5 support you can't go wrong, also very easily upgraded to ice cream sandwich.
I just got the same tablet, Im new to it and have lots to learn about the Android 2.3 OS, it seems like a very good product. The manual that came with my C91 is pretty laime to say the least. I have been trying to find out how to use skype with my new tablet, how do I turn on the mic and so on. I tried the recorder but it does nothing. Is'nt it supposed to have a built in mic? One of my most important question is: It supposed to have 8gb of mem, but when I look into storage, I see it has only 6.15 gb. Okay, I can see that some of the OS is using some of it. However and a big however, is I also see another storage bellow that and it tells me I have only 730mb left??? (I have no tf card inserted in it! Whats up with that, where is it comming from??? I don't understand it and I wish someone could help me with these answeres. So if you can help me, I would appreciate it very much. Mahalo and Aloha...PS do you know where I can find a printable manual for Android 2.3...there supposed to be one in Google, but when I click onto the link, I get a blank page...:mad:
I have recently bought one of these tablets. I thought it was great for the first couple of days, then the problems started. All i really wanted was a ebook reader, but without the limitations, so i thought a tablet would be perfect.
After heaps of hassles with my wifi, I finally managed to install kobo reader, and synced my library fine. I thought it was great, however now, it has reset to factory default, it wont allow me to use any storage other than the internal memeory, which is filled up, and i can't copy, move or delete anything from it as the file manager is rubbish. It constantly changes the system time, forgets my wifi password, won't connect to android market, loses applications, doesn't connect to my ethernet network, all this in a week. I can't wait to see how far I can throw it after a month if this keeps up.

Does anyone know if there is a fix for these tablets. is there a better version of android? It is still as it was out of the box, version 2.3.4, all stats are as described in the sales brochure....
Very good tablet. I use Skype video regularly as well as Netflix, HBO go, YouTube, watch ESPN live stream. With flash 11 and HTML 5 support you can't go wrong, also very easily upgraded to ice cream sandwich.

I just received my Zenithink tablet with ice cream sandwich 4.0.3 - but can't get the microphone to work? Do you have any suggestions?
INsLook.Out of the box the zt 280 C-91 upgrade model running Android 4.0.3 is straight garbage insofar as the software is concerned. My new Zepad was the wonkiest piece of junk ...I wanted to smash it. However,though my zpad was constantly crashing ,aggressive apps freezing my system,and a slue of other instabilities the fix was simple: the firmware update that is offered right on the official zenithink website.
Boy was I relieved. Though I still need to keep a dozen or so of the more agressive ,web hungry apps disabled in order to keep them from all going active simultaneously and locking me up,my system has become quite smooth and most managable. This tablet's hardware and overall construction seems like a real bargain----except for the Wifi antenna which are weaker than my Optimus V phone. (I solved this by getting the Edimax nano USB Wifi adapter at Amazon for like
$14that works awesome- better than my Acer AO 702 reception)
This updated firmware is the ONLY reason I didn't litterally did not CRASH my tablet on the concrete,and am certain that it will help the lion's share of software related issues on the Android 4.0 version of our C-91 Zpads. The installation instructions are on the Zenithink website but you need to first put the RAR file on your PC ,unrar it ,put it on a Fat32 formatted micro SD card and then follow the rest of the simple directions. THIS UPDATE IS A MUST IF YOU EVER EXPECT STABILITY IN THE ANDROID 4.0 ENVIROMENT!!!!Good luck all:) :)
"This tablet's hardware and overall construction seems like a real bargain."

Originally the C91 was designed to run Android 2.3, and was very stable. You're right about the C91's hardware and overall construction-I've seen inside and this is a wonderfully crafted tool. When it was made, Zenithink took their time and gave us a markedly improved tablet.

The problem with Android 4.0 is that it was released as a beta. This was similar to the release of early Android 2.2 for the Zt-180. Android 4.0 was released a bit early on the C91, and Zenithink has been working tirelessly to give us a stable version of Android 4. This is very easy to obtain and install.

1st, download and install a good anti-virus like Avast.
2nd, download and installa program called "File Manager." This is the one that has what looks like a manila folder with a gear in front of it. This program is so versatile, and has so many hidden features. One of these is an ability to unzip most all zipped formats, including the "rar" files.
3rd, go to
and download the latest Android 4.03. When this is done downloading, pay attention to where the downloaded file is. Open the file manager, find the file, click on it. Follow the onscreen instructions. This creates the proper folder and puts all relevent files in it.
4th, shut off the tablet.
5th, start the tablet by first pressing the camera button on the top right of the tablet-hold this button down. While holding the button down, press the power button on the right side of the tablet. When the tablet behind to boot, you can take your fingers off the buttons. Don't touch anything else till the tablet completes all operations. You will not lose anything.

You will now have the latest version of Android 4.03, which is very stable-I love it.

I have just bought this tablet that came with ICS 4.03 installed out of the box...i have to say it is awesome! my only gripe so far is the number of apps/games that won't run until you put an SD card in (even though there's sh1t-loads of free internal storage!?)...yes, I have got a 32GB card on the way, but it hasn't arrived yet, and I'm chomping at the bit to start using everything! For £140, this is an amazing piece of kit. Am I right in thinking these ZTTabs are rooted? Been trying to remove some of the pre-installed apps, like Gallery, File Browser, and Music (because I have better paid equivalents), but haven't had any luck - tried Root Uninstaller, but that seems to be looking only for apps installed on the SD card.
Battery life is very good, screen is very responsive and sharp, OS runs well (though you do have to watch out for some apps that remain resident in memory after 'closing' them...especial trial apps that leave revenue-related processes can get a bit sluggish when a few of these are running in the background.
Generally, its apps that use the internet that may cause any slow-downs, so for the best experience, be on a good connection. Thumbs up!