Hi all,first time with a Tablet only got it 2 days ago.


Oct 5, 2011
Hi all,I just got a Freescale 10" tablet Android 2.2 cortex A8 DAWA D9 Multi-touch 16gb.
I would like to know much more about it,how to update firmware/how to find the correct firmware needed for my device.
Plus to get the most out of it.
Just a total Noob.
Any tips where to start on here would be good.

It sounds like you have the same tablet as me. The good news is that you don't have to root this device to gain access. It has a custom ROM which is adb-enabled.

If you install the Android Development Kit (ADK) and Platform Tools on your PC, you can connect your tablet to your PC using an USB cable. From here you can use the *adb shell* to execute shell commands on the tablet to e.g. remove bundled apps.

Sent from my imx51_bbg using Tapatalk
Hi, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Tablet. I'm moving your post to the Freescale Based section of the forum. Someone there should be able to help you out.