Hi and Thanks


Oct 28, 2012
Whats up
Mo here, been using this site for shopping information as Im looking for a new tablet (1st tablet) and I am posting a new thread to ask for help (I keep looking at the chinese tablets but dont really know enough). Anyways just saying Hi and also thanks for all the info ive gotten off this site before I joined.
Hi Mo, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. Click that link and start a new thread there so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!
Hi Eecil, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
Hello and welcome to the forum Mo! Good luck on your quest for a good tablet :)...

Thank you, I didn't really get any help in that department unfortunately. I went ahead and bought a flytouch/superpad (dont know what model industrially, pulled the trigger to early in my opinion but hopefully its a good one (guess not all the superpads are good). its got android 4.0 hopefully its a good one. Once I get it identified I'll jump back on here and find ways to improve the system hopefully.