Hidden Gingerbread Interface in Honeycomb; Unlock With Higher Density LCD Settings


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Here's a bit of interesting news for you technophiles that like to monkey around with your tablets. Apparently, their is a "hidden feature" within Honeycomb that allows you to "activate" an experimental Gingerbread interface. This is done by simply changing the pixel density settings of your Honeycomb tablet from 160 dpi to 170 dpi, and voila, you can play with a Gingerbread look to your UI. Here's a quote from Engadget explaining how the tweak works,
According to modder Graffix0214, all you need for making the jump is one simple tweak in a system file: assuming you already have root access, use your preferred method -- Pocketables recommends the LCDDensity for Root app -- to change the LCD density value to 170 or higher to emulate a smaller, denser display. After a reboot, you should then see some Gingerbread love as demoed by Graffix0214's video after the break; and likewise, set the value to 160 or lower to roll back. It sure is nice to have an option, eh?
This seems pretty nifty. Be sure to share in the forums what you think of this if you "monkey around" with it. Here's a video demo below:

Source: Engadget
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Yeah, I noticed the change in interfaces when the Honeycomb Preview Release came out. It was the reason I didn't really buy into Google's claims that Honeycomb was a "tablet only" operating system and that they needed time to get the phone version working (which I recall hearing was one of the reasons cited for why they weren't releasing the source code). Granted the phone UI didn't seem any more fully baked than the tablet UI at the time, but it clearly existed.
so i just tested it....and yep. My g-tablet's pretty honeycomb UI was gone and i was back to gingerbread. Everything was there just like before, had to go to settings->about just to make sure it was really still running 3.0.1.

So....it works...but why would you want it too??? ;)