Hiding Tasks from Task List


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
Some tasks should be always or permanently on the task list, some are the currently running apps, but things like widgets and email notifiers are on my task list and drive me nuts because I like to keep the task list empty.

So is there a way to hide undesired tasks from the task list?

You can use any Task Manager to terminate the tasks and use Startup Cleaner to prevent certain tasks from loading at startup. You need to be rooted for certain Task Managers to work, though
No, I don't want to kill the tasks, I just don't want to see a long list of everything that I'm not using myself. T hide necessary tasks si I oly see the app that I am using myself.
No, I don't want to kill the tasks, I just don't want to see a long list of everything that I'm not using myself. T hide necessary tasks si I oly see the app that I am using myself.


I don't agreed with you. Tasks list is important.Any way, your points of view make me thinking about some thing for my project.

Pls try to keep posting.

We also find them more same at: Tasks list

Tks and best regards
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Hello friends,

I just noticed something new concerning the tasklist screen that isn't documented, AFAIK. OS 2.2.2 BTW.

With the tasklist open, you can tap the header of the Tasks column, and You will see some additional tasks- the running non-system services (that you installed yourself.) Nothing happens when you tap the header of the Notifications column. It looks like normally the services aren't viewable in the tasklist, but now they are?

I'm interested in some technical explanation, as it's not in any documentation I can find.
