Home button Goes to Wrong Screen


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
This is funny..

My Home button on the Nexus 7 (2013) is now going to the third Home Screen! It was going to the first screen where I keep the shortcuts I use.

Is that usual, or os there a known cause? Can it be fixed?
I think there is a way to set what the default screen will be but I can't remember. Hopefully someone else will step in.
I moved everything to the "new" first home screen. It's not that bad, as I only have to swipe once left or right to get to the calendar widget or the inbox widget, both which fill the screen. Before, I had to swipe a few times to view those widgets.

My opinion on what has happened is that while swiping the screen, I swiped slow enough so the OS thought I was re-ordering the screens. Maybe I can figure out how to re-order them back to the way they were.
On top of the home button snafu, I can't change the wallpaper by just long-tapping the screen. Long-tapping the screen goes directly to the Live Wallpaper list. I have to go through the setting menus to select a photo for the wallpaper.

HUH? weird.....
The upgrade to Android 4.4.2 has things back to normal, except the "Home" screen is the third, or middle screen (of the five home screens.)