Honeycomb Downgraded to Gingerbread


Sep 10, 2012
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a fine evening.
Today I've gotten to the point where I just cannot stand the on-screen buttons on the honeycomb update. I decided to start tinkering to downgrade to the Gingerbread update (non-root, unfortunately). I've made progress and have a somewhat working Gingerbread downgrade completed. Oddly (and this may be a good thing), the Vizio update service does not work. So it's not nagging me to update to honeycomb. As soon as I get a better functional launcher (since I'm using my honeycomb one), I'll post further news. The reason the honeycomb launcher that I've installed is still there, is because I used the update.zip that someone posted here in the tutorial to unbrick the tablet.

I attached a picture of the tablet so you know I'm not kidding. I'm going to work on getting this working so we have a downgrade guide going soon. Let's hope for the best.




I decided to do a factory reset, considering how I'm too lazy to fix the launcher issue. We get the original setup wizard we all miss and love!
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Awesome job Elitewolf135! I'm looking forward to hearing about further progress and I am sure others are too :)
Thanks J515OP! I'm glad to report that WiFi works!
And onto an odd problem that's good for us gingerbread users. It appears the update service is giving a weird error. I'm not going to hit try again because I'd like to stay with gingerbread.

Regardless, I've tested all functions on my vTab1008. The procedure worked flawlessly. Everything works like it did out of the box (except the updater).