Honeycomb loving for 1.1-branch users


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
For those of you that have not made a jump to the 1.2 development tree there is GREAT news...

Zyhong has ported Roebeet's Bottle of Smoke Honeycomb ROM to a 1.1 version, so now you can use CWM .08 to see some Honeycomb!

I can personally say that I have been using this ROM for a month with 99% success and no issues....

More info here: [ROM][BL1.1] HoneyComb (BOSa5.2) for Bootloader 1.1 Gtablet\Zpad T2 - xda-developers

I installed it fine. Once I restored my apps and system data the system went to hell. Keep getting FCs for framework. I'm reinstalling now and not going to restore all my apps. Just the ones I really want. I'll redownload the rest.

One thing I did notice is that the email app will not hook up to Hotmail. Also the market wants me to login again but once I do it says my account is already linked to this device.... I'm reflashing now and will see if I get the same issues.
I posted this elsewhere but meh... why not. I got little sleep while playing with this last night. Here are my quick impressions:


I installed it last night. I really like it.

The perks:

It's very zippy (probably due to the overclocking inherent in the rom).

I could download and use the CNN app for Android Tablets and it works great.

The gmail app looks great in landscape.

All the honeycomb bells and whistles seem to work.

Android Market actually will point to tablet apps and the layout is pretty nice for My apps, it lists what you have installed but it didn't really remember everything I've gotten from market but that just might need the re-population of market. But the best thing was you didn't have to install GAPPS or do any Market fixes. YAY!

I really like the keyboard. It's not swype (which I could never get to work on the gtab) or even slide-It (which I did get to work on the tab), but it's very nice and responsive.

Now the quirks:

While it does let you install Flash but flash video on web browsers does not work. Well, it sort of works, it will play the audio but there is no video.

Facebook widget doesn't work at all. (No big loss really, unless you are a FB junkie)

Playing some videos off of an app like the Engadget app or Crunchyroll app results in super exploded video where you only see the tops of heads on people, and reading subtitles? Good luck with that. (This one kind of hurts me because I like looking at my anime on my tablet rather than my phone or desktop). EDIT: This got fixed with version 1.62 of Gtabcomb.

Quickoffice doesn't want to work. It force quits a lot. So I've downloaded Google docs but haven't really played with it yet.

And sometimes it gets overwhelmed and will reboot on you when it gets sluggish. Edit: Not noticing sluggishness anymore.

Yes someday I will update the bootloader to 1.2 but for now this is good enough for me. And I'm learning the HC system which is kind of cool.
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Quadrant Standard: 2765!!!!!!

ROM is SUPER quick.

Just going to go through the main apps and or the most popular. (In my opinion)

Sound!! Havn't had to do the headphone fix yet.
Email app - Didn't work the first time but does now.
Gmail app
USB port for Thumb drive
Video Playback - Used RockPlayer with no issues.
Firefox 4.0
Opera Mini
Amazon App Store

Don't Work:
Flash Player
Plants Vs Zombies :(

Kind of Works:

Facebook - You can read the news feed and update your status but when you go to the main menu of the app, anything you tap FCs the app.

Can't find:

Google Talk app - I'll have to do some digging for the apk or something.

I'll add more as I find stuff.
I now notice that google framework FCs upon bootup but never again... Intresting.