3588 (1.1) vs 4349 (1.2) and why you should care


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
I am getting questions about what the differences are, and why they are important. I hope this is a brief but clear answer to this...

So, 3588 refers to the stock Tap-n-Tap build that Viewsonic shipped on the G-Tablet, and considers to be the "current" ROM. It includes what is referred to as the 1.1 thread bootloader. This version is what you get to if you do the OTAs as well. Most of the current ROMs out there right now (including the CM7-based ones) are based on this bootloader and so you have to have a "1.1" device.

4349 refers to a new thread for ROMs based on a different bootloader, with some other differences as well. Currently there are only two stable ROMs that I am aware of, these are Brilliant Corners and Mountain Laurel, and neither of these are 2.3.

Devices running 1.1 CANNOT run 1.2 ROMs and vice versa. Trying to do so will result in all sorts of problems, not the least of which can be making your tablet a nice paperweight.

Right now the weight of Viewsonic still appears to be on the 3588/1.1 thread, so why change? 1.2 appears to be VERY close to the Notion Ink Adam and other Tegra platforms, this means we have source code for the kernel. This also is how Roebeet has been able to bring Honeycomb to our tablet, it is based on the 1.2 thread.

So, while I am not advocating changing to 1.2, those are your reasons. We are already looking at late Alpha builds of Honeycomb for the G-Tablet, and who knows what other goodies are coming. If you do decide to move to the 1.2 thread, PLEASE be sure to read all the notes, download all the files, and follow ALL the directions. Do not take for granted that your files you may already have work, and do not cut any corners.

A little longer of an answer, but I hope this clears up some things.

Peter, thanks. This helps a lot.

So, if I am running the 1.1 and I want to try the honeycomb alpha, then I first have to upgrade to 1.2, try it, and then downgrade back to 1.1 to reload my cm7 if I so desired. Is that correct?

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Yes that is correct, and from experience there are lots of places where you can Bork your tab if not careful. That being said, I am loving honeycomb...

Sent from my GTablet-HC using Android Tablet Forum
I am getting so tempted but I couldn't go without my gtab if I bricked it. This has become my main non-work computer.

Sent from my gTablet using Android Tablet Forum
Me too, don't even bring my laptop home anymore. Loving on the HC though, only on FC in the last 24, and I get around the gmail issue by using the browser.

Sent from my GTablet-HC using Android Tablet Forum