Hope you kept the Box the Nook came in.. here is a neat trick


Jan 6, 2011
Don't know if this has been shared yet or not found this on the B&N site:
...........Hope you kept the Box the Nook Color came in. as it also folds back to become a very useful stand for the NookColor - I thought that magnet was a little to clever to just be simple packaging. flip it back so the magnet catches and then ...turn the thing over and upside down and Viola A FREE STAND for your Nook ..

using the NC in the kitchen
set the screen to stay on for an hour instead of 2 minutes, and pulled up one of the recipes in Food Network site. View was just the PERFECT size for reading across the countertop, and the stand kept it high enough off the counter so it was a comfortable viewing and out of range from my drips and drops of the cooking process

Also GREAT as a TV stand while watching Dish app on my NC.... love this idea as I was just going to go out and buy a stand

Can I say again .... I LOVE MY LITTLE NOOK;)
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Don't know if this has been shared yet or not found this on the B&N site:
...........Hope you kept the Box the Nook Color came in. as it also folds back to become a very useful stand for the NookColor - I thought that magnet was a little to clever to just be simple packaging. flip it back so the magnet catches and then ...turn the thing over and upside down and Viola A FREE STAND for your Nook ..
Care to snap a quick picture? I think I'm 3D-challenged!

In fact I was trying a couple new recipes tonight (creamed spinach and roasted chicken) and had a hard time with my notebook...could have used your trick. :mad:

I kept the box, but used the cardboard inside. Bent it half, made a lip and taped it together. Lol. Works for both vert. & horizontal. Speaking of horizontal, is there any way to make the home screen veiw horizontal?

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Here ya go..

I kept the box, but used the cardboard inside. Bent it half, made a lip and taped it together. Lol. Works for both vert. & horizontal. Speaking of horizontal, is there any way to make the home screen veiw horizontal?

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Stock home screen...nope, portrait only. But most of the other launchers have an option to turn rotation on/off.

Has anyone drilled a hole to run power to your Book while in the stand?

Via TapaTalk on Nook Tablet
Cute, but the design I've been working on is far more high-tech looking.. I'm a mechanical designer, and this is my Nook stand. Oh, and patents are pending, so hands off! :)


The black is overmolded rubber, so it's padded and it looks pretty trick. My stand also fully accomodates the cable, allows for portrait or landscape placement, plus offers storage of the cable and a USB/MicroSD card reader when not in use... I should have a functional prototype sitting on my desk within the next few days. Any venture capitalists out there looking to make a quick buck? :cool: