Hope you kept the Box the Nook came in.. here is a neat trick

Overall the thing weighs about 1lb, and the back flares out to provide support. You get sort of a tripod effect. The top point is about 4" tall, while the width is 6" overall. So it's heavy enough and wide enough to keep a Nook vertical.
Awesome. This your first effort, or do you have a storefront we can check out?

The odds of this thing ever being made available to anyone other than myself are slim to none. It'd take many thousands of dollars to buy tooling to make these, and that's something I just can't do. My protoype is going to be made on a 3D printer, and it will probably be one of a kind.
Takes money to make money. I have the ideas, but not the wallet. Or at least, not the wallet that my wife will let me invest into "another crazy inventor idea.." If you know of anyone with a spare $10k to throw at a tablet holder/stand/docking station business, please, send them my way! For now, I'll just be content knowing for a fact that I have the absolute coolest Nook Color stand in the known universe. That's worth something, right?
Takes money to make money. I have the ideas, but not the wallet. Or at least, not the wallet that my wife will let me invest into "another crazy inventor idea.." If you know of anyone with a spare $10k to throw at a tablet holder/stand/docking station business, please, send them my way! For now, I'll just be content knowing for a fact that I have the absolute coolest Nook Color stand in the known universe. That's worth something, right?

Try this Kickstarter. Apparently the idea for the iPod nano watch band drew record breaking funding so it is worth a shot. :)
Could you please add a speaker. I teach autistic children and I need the speaker in the FRONT.... not the back. :)
I thought about that.. That back mounted speaker kind of stinks, huh? To do that, however, it'd have to go from a simple stand to more of a powered dock. Easily doable. I'm living with my first prototype right now, seeing where it can be improved.

I've got the idea sketched out, and I think it just might be really, really cool.. I'm not an electronics guy, but it shouldn't be hard to rig up some small speakers inside this chassis and hardwire a headphone cable onto them to plug into the NC.. I'll try to get it modeled this weekend and post a pic.