How Did You Hear About - The #1 Android Tablet Community


Staff member
Mar 16, 2011
We are always interested in finding out how you found our site.

If you can please let us know if you found us on another forum, via Google or Bing or a friend perhaps? Or any other method.

This helps us determine what areas seem to be working for us (as far as letting people know about us) or what areas we made need to work on to help get the word out.

Thanks! ;)
Same here...googling!

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Android Tablet Forum
There was a link to it on one of the sites where I was search for info on the Sony S Tablet.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I first saw an Android tablet when a friend bought one in Singapore about three years ago. I couldn't find one in Australia and bought a Samsung Galaxy Tablet in India. I since ordered an Android 10.1 tablet through Groupon, in September and am patiently awaiting delivery of my order which I am advised has been despatched. I ask whether by by Pigeon post or on a slow boat to China. I had hoped for a delivery by Christmas as a gift to my wife but that is looking unlikely to eventuate.
I googled too, having no luck with Nextbook Inc. although there was a bright yellow sticker asking buyers to visit there.
Also in Australia and waited three weeks - seemed like forever.
Over a year ago, I was doing research and complex searches. Google and Yahoo both provided this site with the most valid links. There were/are other sites. But, it was interesting. They did not resolve the same way. This pops up more consistently
Searched for android tablet forums on Bing because I was interested in learning more hints, tips, apps, upgrades, etc
I found this site by using the google search and looking for "help for google android 2.2 tablet"