How do you set Chrome on the Xoom to return non-mobile versions of the web by default


Jul 13, 2011
Let's face it, mobile web pages are typically lacking in functionality and usability. If you have a smart phone, sometimes the m.pages are enough to get you by. But when using a tablet such as the Xoom, why would you want to use a half thought out page when you have a widescreen and an excellant interface?

Sure the mobile pages are less bandwidth dependant, but when Im operating on wifi or 4g (cough cough) who cares?! It is very frustrating to relearn a website that you are already familiar with, and just want to get in and out quickly.

You would think that there would be a setting to change the browsers header to emulate a desktop browser. If there is, I am missing it. Does anyone have a solution?

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tap in upper right hand corner
under advance settings
change user agent to desktop or tablet
Ok I found the answer myself.
to enable desktop webpages by default, follow these steps:
  • close out all existing tabs.
  • open the browser.
  • type "about:debug" in the address bar without quotes.
  • press enter.
  • click the settings button in the upper righthand corner.
  • the list will look slightly different. click settings.
  • click debug.
  • click UAString, and select desktop.
  • back out of browser and reopen.