How I grew to love the Sam 8.9 and hate the (fire) bomb


Sep 30, 2011
After a month of research and debate on what tablet to buy, I’ve narrowed it down to the Samsung Galaxy 8.9. There was lots of pro’s and con's to look at, and some interesting tablets on the market, not to mention the wait for the Amazon folks to reveal their “Fire in the hole" tablet (a disappointment to me). The winning feature on the Sam 8.9 was the tablet’s size, in particular its thickness. After all I didn’t want to be standing next to a IPad owner and be apologizing for my tablets obesity. I would have liked the connector ports, USB and HDMI etc. to have been on the tablet itself like the king of ports the ACER A500. After a LOT of reading I discovered that the Sam’s proprietary port quietly hidden on its thin side, and that it can be used with a host of connectors, adaptors and cables being offered. Hint here for the Samsung folks, mention that in your ads. I still haven’t got a clear picture if the Sam 8.9 unit has a Micro SD slot, some reviews state it has, some say no? While on that subject some have claimed a processor speed of 1.5 GHz other writers state 1.0. Either way the unit’s size is right in there with momma bears bed, not to big not to small, just right.

Ira. S.
I can confirm that the Galaxy Tab 8.9 has a 1GHz dual core cpu. Here's a screenshot from Quadrant Standard:


Just to clarify, is there two version of 8.9? 8.9 and a 8.9 LTE? 8.9 seems not to have SD card and cannot be use as a phone. Can some confirm this?

Many thx.

the 8.9 tablet does not have a port for an sd card not the LTE version anyways i does have a sim port though. phone use and text use is expensive.

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I was under the impression that the 8.9 had a microSD slot like the 7 plus. So really it is a resized 10.1. Not that that is a bad thing but I sure do appreciate the flexibility the microSD allows. I would guess that because the original Galaxy Tab had this option Samsung felt they had to include it on the refreshed 7 plus or people might not consider upgrading.

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