How is your G-Slate?


Apr 27, 2011
What are your issues, if any with the G-slate? Honeycomb? What do you think of the 3D? Is your "4g" speed up to par? Where is the SMS capabilities we were promised? How about the App selection in the market for tablets? Market downloading/installing problems? Can you download and install google body from the market? What about the fact that the crappy, un3D, overpriced, oversized piece of **** XOOM gets to be the first and only (lets hope for just weeks) tablet to be running honeycomb 3.1? Let me know.

Sent from my LG-V909 using Android Tablet Forum
What are your issues, if any with the G-slate?
Price for one. When you get ready to sign all your paperwork they then tell you that your $100 dollar rebate is based on you switching to autopay on your account....If you are like me and don't want to do that, then in reality you are paying $629 for the tablet on a 2 year contract.

Secondly, they neglect to tell you that Google Talk doesn't do video over 4g, only wifi...... I've heard this is the Google Talk program itself and not T-mo, but haven't seen proof of guilt.

Honeycomb is wonderful. I'm an IT guy and I am very pleased with the interface. I also haven't got many FCs on it. I use it heavily and the more I use it, the more I don't lug my laptop around.

There are little annoyances here and there, the browser doesn't work incredibly well with Facebook's redesign. This is especially apparent when you bring up pictures on Facebook and want to comment on them, They go full screen and you are unable to scroll to the comment section. If Facebook gave you an option to go back to their old layout then you would be fine, but they don't....tragic.

Here's a big problem, not all of the android apps work on Honeycomb. Maybe there is an app you especially like on your phone and want it for your tablet. It may not be available for Honeycomb's market. Even worse, it might be available and not resize to fill the whole screen. Google has said this depends on the code of the app designers not Google. Either way its annoying.....

What do you think of the 3D?
On this device, it is a gimmick. It works, yes. But the colors on the 720p 3D are washed out when viewed through the glasses and aren't true to life. Depth perception is correct though.

Is your "4g" speed up to par?
4g 4g.......I think the term is a quagmire. Does my device stay in "4g" yes. Is "4g" fast, maybe. Here is my school of thought, my comparisons have been vs my rooted Vibrant using the Optimus 2x rom:

Using the app on both the Vibrant and the G-Slate, my Vibrant is routinely hitting higher benchmark. Keep in mind my Vibrant is 3g not 4g. My vibrant has hit 5.75mbps down and 1.71mbps up. My G-slate has only hit 5.51mbps down and 1.34mbps up. These are the peaks after several tests. But usually my tablet is about 3.5mbps and just under 1mbps up..... My location is in downtown Sacramento, CA. I am pretty sure that the G-Slate claims to be on 4g even when it isn't, or T-Mo is throttling their 4g speeds.

If I invalidate the accuracy of's app and go off real world experience, I can watch high quality Youtube videos quickly on my tablet, but I can do the same on my 3g phone. I don't really see the value-add so far. That being said, my connectivity has been great. I took it to the mountains, the beach, the burbs, out in the middle of nowhere and I've had good signal. I don't think it should have been showing 4g out there in the canyons though.....makes me wonder if its lying!

Where is the SMS capabilities we were promised?
There aren't any. Which oddly despite that fact, T-Mo gave me the phone number for my tablet and told me I could SMS on it. There was no app for SMS and I can't get one on the market..... weird.

How about the App selection in the market for tablets?
In addition to what I have previously mentioned above, there aren't a terrible amount of apps available. There are some really good Tegra powered apps though. Fruit Ninja THD, Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds all are beautiful, fast and very responsive. They also look great when sent out to a HD display via the HDMI cable at 1080p (sold separately, but can be had for about $5 on Amazon prime).

The Netflix app is not available for this device. The Xfinity (comcast app) is not available for this device. I wanted to be able to set my DVR on the go and watch onDemand programming on the G-Slate but I can't.....

Market downloading/installing problems?

Can you download and install google body from the market?

What about the fact that the crappy, un3D, overpriced, oversized piece of **** XOOM gets to be the first and only (lets hope for just weeks) tablet to be running honeycomb 3.1? Let me know.
Thats to be expected. Google is pushing the Xoom really hard and barely mentioned the G-Slate at Google I/O this year. I have personally hooked up a USB keyboard to the G-Slate, while having it simultaneously connected to the HDMI cable and had basically a desktop-like experience. Upon trying to hook up a laser mouse it lit up but didn't work. 3.1 says it will support mice. Can't wait. Would also love to connect an XBOX controller up to it for games, that would be awesome. Saw a vid of that at I/O.

In summary, I've had my tablet about 3 weeks and have received nothing but compliments from people about it. Its great for holding in one hand and it is just there when I need it to be. I like it, it could be better, and I'm patient that Google will make it better in time with updates. I wish the keyboard did more suggestions as I type instead of just suggesting contact names. All in all I really like my tablet and I think the battery life is great. Let me know if you have more questions
A note on the 3g and 4g speeds. I work for T-Mobile what is happening is you are on 3g it only has the 4g icon and the 2g icon if I'm not mistaking. You will get 4g symbol when ever you are in a 3g area. the speed difference from 3g to 4g from what I know right now is about 4mbs on average. Your phone can get speeds up to 6 because it is a 3g phone and T-mobile gave all 3 g phones that came out after the mytouch slide a boost in speed. Supposedly all phones got this boost but I have only noticed on the ones after the mytouch. I hope this helps
You mention apps not sizing right. Did you download spare parts from the market? Then uncheck compatibility mode. Should fix some apps.

Sent from my LG-V909 using Android Tablet Forum
Also i did not need to go auto pay to get the rebate.

Sent from my LG-V909 using Android Tablet Forum
Update available, downloaded it. It ran & rebooted. When I checked the settings.
It still said android version 3.0.1 not 3.1. Now under system updates it says no update available. I don't have a t-mobile 3g plan with their sim card. Should that matter?
Update available, downloaded it. It ran & rebooted. When I checked the settings.
It still said android version 3.0.1 not 3.1. Now under system updates it says no update available. I don't have a t-mobile 3g plan with their sim card. Should that matter?

Not sure if you figured it out, but having a sim card or not shouldn't matter. I don't have one and I got the update no problem.
Wish there was more support for the g-slate. Seems like everyone forgot about us.

Sent from my LG-V909 using Android Tablet Forum
it is understandable, the device is overpriced and the locked bootloader. Plus, Samsung and ASUS released awesome devices as well. I had the galaxy tab 10.1 and galaxy tab 7. Tab 10.1 was well too big and the original 7 was a little bit too slow to run some HD games. When I found a floor model of g-slate for $280 (no contract + no box), I bought it since 8.9 + dualcore are perfect for me. Samsung 8.9 and 7+ are way too expensive (469 and 399).

Well, if Lg lowers the price to $280 (without contract and unlock the bootloader), a ton of people will buy it and more devs will join. Look at what happened to the viewsonic gtab a few months ago when (Woot had the first sale) and the HP touchpad..

all we can do is to hope! I guess.
Guys i have a problem with my pad , the wifi and 3g does not want to work together...when i insert my sim card the wifi says scanning the whole time...and after a while says turning of...i connected it to my home wireless network and if im right next to it it says network out of reach? How do i go by this problem?