How To Compress Source Code Downloaded From Github


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2013
Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have lenovo a3000 h tablet and I am searching for custom ROM for it.

Only one person around the world has developed custom ROM ie., CyanogenMod cm11 for it and uploaded it to some website but that site currently is not in use I mean it is dead.Fortunately he has uploaded source code to git hub. I have searched the ROM zip file in web but not found.

I know that in the open source world if we have source code we can compile it and create software. I have downloaded all source code file's from github.

I am providing the address below
android_kernel_lenovo_mt8389/ at cm-11.0 · lenovo-a3-dev/android_kernel_lenovo_mt8389 · GitHub.

Can any one of you suggest a way how to create a ROM zip file so that I can flash using custom recovery like cwm or twrp.

I know that the task is complex but suggestions from all are helpful.

[GUIDE][COMPLETE] Android ROM Development From Source To End

A PC from the last two or three years either running Linux or running a Linux virtual machine in Windows is required to compile a ROM. That machine needs to have significant amounts of both RAM and hard disk space - I recommend at least 16GB of RAM and 2TB hard drive space - to be able to compile a ROM in a reasonable amount of time. From there you will need to download the Java Development Kit and a few other things to Linux to get the build environment ready.

That's just the build environment. I haven't even gotten into trying to compile the ROM, which requires a different set of skills, including the ability to read java code as well as interpret error messages which will prevent your build from successfully completing.

Sorry, but I really think you're biting off way more here than you can chew. Compiling a ROM is not easy, and the chances of bricking the device are greater than from simply installing a custom ROM. The only other question is, why that particular version? An unofficial build of Cyanogenmod 12.1 is available for download here.
I am searching for cm11 ROM which is specifically for lenovo a3000 h only and not the ROM of lenovo a3300.

The download link of cm11 ROM of a3000 h is broken and not available but cm11 ROM of a3300 is available.

Someone said it is very easy in creating ROM from source code if its not true I will abort the current work.

At present I have installed open suse leap 42.3 on PC with quad core processor and 8 GB ram.
The thread title mentions the 3000 while the ROM itself appears to be for the 3300. Sorry about that

Building ROMs is not easy. Anyone telling you otherwise is blowing smoke up your a**, meaning they don't know what they're talking about. In which case you want them to put their money where their mouth is and have them build your ROM for you. That said, 8GB is not enough to build in a reasonable amount of time. Add more RAM.
OK I agree that it's impossible to build a ROM from source code as it needs experience in lot of theories and 150 GB hard disk space.

So I am stopping current work.
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At present my tab is running stock ROM but the issue is my tab has low ram and so the maximum ram is occupied by android os and its applications like Google play services etc.,.

I want to use this tab to read ebooks and so I don't need Google play services etc. I am searching for ROM which doesn't have these unnecessary blot ware and found cm11.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Wait. So all you want to do is stop the Google apps from running? Why are you even looking for another ROM then when you can disable the unused apps in Settings > Apps?

Because of how Android allocates RAM, a disabled app consumes no resources. Thus disabling the apps will free up the RAM you apparently need. If disabling the apps doesn't help, removing them from a ROM package and flashing that ROM won't help either. You'll need a new tablet.

You are making this harder on yourself than it should be. However, if you really want a ROM without the Google apps present in it to begin with, download the ROM mentioned to your PC, extract the files to a directory on the computer, then dig through /system and delete the Google apps manually. Then zip it all back up and flash it to your tablet. This is about the only way you're going to get a ROM made the way you want, because no one is working on your device anymore. Heck, they're barely working on my Lenovo tablet and mine was released midway through last year.
Yes you are right. Google play services is the main app consuming lot of system resources. Up to now I have not tried up deleting unused apps and flashing the modified ROM.

I think that Google play services is must in order to run aosp(the original ROM provided by the company) ROM properly. Is it true.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
False. Google Play Services is not required in order to use a ROM, even a stock one, but is required if using Google apps. Play Services however is perhaps the one Google app that can't be disabled but must be deleted.
May I know how to delete a package say Google play services from ROM file I mean where it is located.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
I already explained how. Where is either /system/app or /system/priv-app.