[How to] Connecting S7 to my PC


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2010
For some reason users are unwilling to plow through the tips and tricks thread to get this basic question answered (how do I get my computer to recognize my S7?) and it gets asked at least once a day now that we are building up a rather significant user base. Suggest an explicit sticky and "how to" for this particular FAQ.

BTW - for future reference - no special drivers are needed for Win7 and Vista PCs. Simply hook your S7 to your PC via USB and tap on the flashing notifications icon in the upper right corner of the screen (the "I" superimposed on the overlapping dual windows - as best as I can describe it). That will take you to the notifications screen where you can mount/unmount your internal (8GB if installed) and external (user supplied) SD card storage drives as mass storage devices (lettered drives) to your PC to enable drag and drop file transfers for data, music, video, doc, and whatever you want to put on your tab. Enjoy.
Not disagreeing with you....mulling it over. The only thing I am trying to avoid is a situation where there is nothing but stickies for as far as the eye can see...
I added it to the top of the Tips and Tweaks sticky...and gave you credit for it
It would help if the forum search actually did a better job. Also I found the mounting after some time. However I still wanted a native driver which I tried searching for but didn't find an answer.

From a new user here: some of you are coming across as arrogant or snobbish. I humbly suggest an attitude change and give people the benefit of the doubt that they did try to search but still didn't find a good answer

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I belive that you have no clue about what are you asking.
First you have a linux machine and second a windows machine.If you want to connect a linux drive to a windows machine you just need to make that drive vizible to windows.
To make this you need to mount that drive and your windows machine can se and identify your drive(as a sd card and windows has native drivers for sd card).As long as you have now a card reader conected with your windows machine the transfer speed it will be the maximum that the card reader allow and allso the speed of your card or internal memory.The other driver is for ADB conection and if you want to install them you need to enable USB debugging on your tablet.
Settings>Application>Developement>USB debugging then conect your tablet to your machine and you will install the ADB driver.
Teacher - sorry if you are offended by some of the posters (perhaps even me). However, I've found this to be one of the most helpful and collaborative forums I have ever used. Regarding the search engine - I agree that it tends not to laser in on posts relevant to your search parameters which I do find somewhat frustrating but have learned with frequent use how to get it to show me what I want by carefully selecting my search terms. It seems to be set up to favor using search terms and key words from threads/posts you may have seen but forgotten where they were. But setting aside the search feature weaknesses, it appears that new users aren't even bothering to read/peruse the "Tips and Tweaks" sticky - the USB connection question is answered near the beginning of that sticky thread (I'm talking about even before it was modded to add my snippet - no searching required) along with a host of other great info. So the frequent user "reaction" you are perceiving as arrogance may simply be frustration from the perception that new users aren't even putting the minimal effort to read the very useful sticky threads where search isn't even really required to attain knowledge of the S7 basics. Anyhoo - welcome to the forum and mine the gold that is within. Sorry if it seems to you to be starting off on the wrong foot.
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I'll add that as Android becomes more popular you are going to get a lot of people who have been using MSFT operating systems for years and who are new to Unix/Linux/Android. We are new to Unix not because we are stupid, but because we have been employed by companies that used the MSFT platforms. I have never had to "mount" a drive before. That doesn't make me stupid. One of the problems with Unix/Linux/ and derivatives is that they assume a base level of knowledge and don't work well with other/different knowledge levels. For a long-term Windows/MSFT user, it is puzzling to plug in a new device and not to see it in Explorer.

For what it's worth, if you *really* want to see Android take off, make it the most user-friendly OS that is out there. You know why google is a great search engine? It understands what users are asking for, even if their syntax is not correct. Android needs to be as friendly. If it becomes as easy to use as google is for search, no one will need Windows or Apple. We're on the cusp of greatness here.
I belive that you have no clue about what are you asking.
First you have a linux machine and second a windows machine.If you want to connect a linux drive to a windows machine you just need to make that drive vizible to windows.
To make this you need to mount that drive and your windows machine can se and identify your drive(as a sd card and windows has native drivers for sd card).As long as you have now a card reader conected with your windows machine the transfer speed it will be the maximum that the card reader allow and allso the speed of your card or internal memory.The other driver is for ADB conection and if you want to install them you need to enable USB debugging on your tablet.
Settings>Application>Developement>USB debugging then conect your tablet to your machine and you will install the ADB driver.

I actually do know what I am talking about but you can go ahead and talk like that.

It took 17 minutes to transfer 600mb of data between my machine and the s7. Shouldn't be that long at all. My previous experience with non installed drivers have taught me this is the issue. Unless someone else knows why this was the case. Transfering data to my sd cards using a memory reader takes far less time so I do know it isn't the usb port. Using my wifes blackberry and the same data cord also resulted in a fast transfer so don't believe it is the cord.

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Here is a video i took of my S7 connected with usb. I didn't install any drivers from Huawei, I do have the android sdk installed. As you can see file transfer was pretty quick from tablet to pc and pc back to tablet. So file transfer started at 1:08 or so on the clock so total time from tablet to pc then pc to tablet was 3min 50sec or so. sry a bit shaky holding cam.

loving my S7 !!
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Some usb ports are usb1 and not usb2. Big difference in speed.

Sent from my S7
All my usb ports are 2.0 on my pc

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There are so many variables that affect file transfer speeds including whether you are transferring one big 600mb file or 600 1mb files. Agree that the speed disparity between just reading the card directly and transferring using the S7 means something is not quite right. Is the card reader built into your computer or did you hook it up to the same USB port (your post wasn't entirely clear on that point)? If using a built-in card reader then the problem might be the usb port on your computer (though your blackberry test is a possible clue that it is not the port). To definitely rule that out or to point the issue toward the S7, you might try hooking the S7 to another computer if possible to see if the file transfer issue remains (if it is resolved, the problem is likely the USB port on your computer, if not then there may be a problem with the S7's port). In any case, I must reiterate that the S7 drivers shouldn't have much affect on transfer speed (especially since many here haven't even loaded the drivers if they are merely doing file transfers via USB), so the solution might be the reloading the USB 2.0 host controller drivers on the computer if the process of elimination above points to the computer. Good luck. Hope this gives you some ideas on how to get it working right.
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Its an external reader and can try on another pc but having same issue with my iMac transferring

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What is the size and speed class (rated 2 through 10) of the microSD card you are using and how is it formatted? Are you getting the same transfer rates using the internal "SD" memory of the S7 as with your external microSD card?