[How to] Connecting S7 to my PC

Windows 7 doesn't gets the drivers for S7 automatically. You need to download the USB drivers and to install it on your PC.
Maybe Im doing something wrong... I have windows 7 64 Bit and when I connect my S7 to my laptop via USB I don't see it the drives appearing in My Computer, a new device under My Devices and I've checked computer Management\Disk Management and don't see any drive letter conflicts. On the S7 I do have USB Debugging enabled.. I've turned this on and off a few times (reconnecting the tablet each time) and the only recognition I can get out of my machine is 'USB Device Not Recognized'. I even downloaded the S7 usb drivers from Huawei's website and Windows isn't recognizing them.
Please help!
Thank you
Maybe Im doing something wrong... I have windows 7 64 Bit and when I connect my S7 to my laptop via USB I don't see it the drives appearing in My Computer, a new device under My Devices and I've checked computer Management\Disk Management and don't see any drive letter conflicts. On the S7 I do have USB Debugging enabled.. I've turned this on and off a few times (reconnecting the tablet each time) and the only recognition I can get out of my machine is 'USB Device Not Recognized'. I even downloaded the S7 usb drivers from Huawei's website and Windows isn't recognizing them.
Please help!
Thank you

debug is for android debug you must use the other option on notification that connects the card to the pc if your s7 is the one with internal card and you have and external card too you will see two options.
only then they will appear on the PC
First, for those folks above who were complaining about people not searching the forum or reading the Useful Tweaks and Tips sticky, the link under "Mount SD Card in device to a connected computer through USB" comes up with a simple Page Not Found error on a otherwise blank screen. It may be that people tried that link and when they found it not working, they just simply started a new thread. I have been using these kind of forums long enough to know better, so I will post my problem here instead of starting yet another thread.

My PCLinuxOS PC does not detect the S7 external card or the internal card. When I connect my Droid R2D2 phone using the same cable, Linux simply sees the card in the phone as another drive and it shows up in the file manager the same way a USB Flash Drive appears, without me having to mount it. I did enable USB Debugging as suggested earlier in this post. The card works OK in the PCLinuxOS PC if I remove it from the S7 and place it in the Flash Drive adapter that came with it. I have not bothered with checking for the ADB drivers mention earlier in this post as I am assuming they are for Windows since it involves a Windows PC. I am also assuming that because PCLinuxOS sees the card in my Android phone without me having to do anything other than connect the cable, that it should also see the card in this device without having to do anything other than connect the cable. But, assumptions can be wrong, and probably are in this case. I will note that both the phone and this S7 are pretty much fresh out of the box with nothing having been done other than install a few apps. So what do I need to do to get the connection to work? My one gripe with the Androis OS is that it was not designed from the ground up to sync with certain pre-specified apps on a PC like Windows Mobile phones and Palm PDAs do. That was a major stoopid human trick by the Google developers.

Thanks for the help!
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I have a XP pc, and I want to connect my S7 so I can use ADB so I can get root.

when I plugged in my HTC Hero, it saw the phone plugged in and requested that I install a device driver.

when I plugged in my S7 - nothing

Does this mean my S7 / cable is broke - (I do have USB debugging turned on).

Am I missing something.

re the previous post - why would you want to sync yer calendar over a piece of wire when you can use a cloud calendar,