How To Disassemble an Impression I10


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
Acquired an Impression I10 Tablet. It's looks pretty solid and is in immaculate physical condition. The screen has a bunch of colored lines thru it, so I want to check for loose connections..

Does anyone know how do disassemble this unit without damage??

Thanx in advance...
If you ever figure out how to do it, let me know! I have a tablet with the same issue. And Impression won't give you the time of day if you don't have a purchase receipt from a valid retailer. :(
Well, I'll give you the link to how I figured out how to do it..

But it won't be pretty... :D

Impression I10 Disassembly... | PCTechBytes Forums


Thanks for the pic! I would never have thought to go in that way, so you've saved me the trouble of destroying my tablet! Since you have one apart, can you tell me the make/model of the LCD display? I am pretty sure my display is just hosed, so I want to know if it's possible to buy a replacement LCD for it. If I have the info on the LCD, I can decide if I want to take it apart or not.

Based on your post in the linked thread, how are your repairs going? It's a very slick tablet with a gorgeous screen (when its working). Definitely worth repairing. :)

Thanks again!
Thanks for the pic! I would never have thought to go in that way, so you've saved me the trouble of destroying my tablet! Since you have one apart, can you tell me the make/model of the LCD display? I am pretty sure my display is just hosed, so I want to know if it's possible to buy a replacement LCD for it. If I have the info on the LCD, I can decide if I want to take it apart or not.

Based on your post in the linked thread, how are your repairs going? It's a very slick tablet with a gorgeous screen (when its working). Definitely worth repairing. :)

Thanks again!

Sorry it took so long in responding. My busy time is Wed-Sun and this particular week was busier than most. Needed an extra day to recover. :D

In general, I like the I-10. It's big screen is a definite plus.. I played some MP4 videos on it over the weekend to show it off and the video was awesome..

If I would have one caveat about it, it's that it doesn't feel as responsive as, say the Vizio VTAB1008... You get a small yet definite delay with button presses...

But it's a minor issue that loses it's impact when compared to all the pluses, not the least of which are the 2 standard USB ports and the HDMI OUT port.

As far as the disassembly process, a few warnings...

Go VERY slow.. Beyond the danger of maybe losing a finger (or worse) you want to make sure you don't torque the back plate too much. It's very thin and will bend or gouge easy.. I haven't reassembled a unit yet, but I imagine it's not going to look pretty if I do.. The less bending of the back plate the better..

Also keep in mind that the frame under the backplate is just plastic AND there are components accessible thru the backplate (Blue Square). They ARE somewhat recessed, so you don't have to worry about lop'ing something off. :D

After Back Plate Is Off

The knife I used wasn't long enough to go down the backplate in one motion. I had to do one side, then the other. If you attempt this, I would suggest a longer knife or thin object that will fit all the way thru the I10. If I am going to continue to work on these, I might fashion a tool like a "slim jim" (for popping locks on car doors, not the kind you eat :D) with handles on both sides..

So, if you do use a knife, be careful not to push downward too much, as you might cut into the plastic case (Green Square).

There are almost 20 small screws all around the perimeter of the case (Red Circles).. Plus 2 that hold on the PCB, once you get the plastic frame off..

My repairs were not as successful as I had hoped... I did have two bad screens and I think the PCBs were bad as well. Unfortunately, I might have also did some damage to the TEST unit I had. I didn't feel like pursuing it further, as I had about 5 good units.. I might jump back on it later, if I get bored...

As to the screen, here is a screen shot of the over all LCD...


Here is a shot of the only sticker on the LCD


The highlighted part is consistent on all LCDS (I have taken apart 3 units) so I am assuming that's the part number. It appears the LCD is held on by 4 or so small screws. It doesn't look like a huge chore to take out, but some of the other small PCB components might have to be removed as well.

I found one on EBAY for around $60, but am not sure if that is JUST the screen or the screen and the digitizer. It's been my experience with tablets that LCDs and digitizers are separate.. (as an aside, I have a desperate need for 4 or 5 Dell Streak 7 Digitizers that are simply impossible to find. If anyone comes across any, please PM me..)

Anyways, that's the long and short of it. Good luck.. Let me know how you pan out.

Thanks for the thorough response! I appreciate that immensely! Would you consider using a heatgun on the back before you pry it off? Maybe that would soften the glue a bit? Not sure if that would harm the LCD, so maybe just a hair dryer would be enough?

That Samsung LCD is indeed about $70 shipped from Hong Kong. Not sure if that is worth the price since these are only $199 or so brand new still from Sears or Kmart. I'll have to ponder if I want to continue down this road. I know that my tablet works otherwise -- it is booting and I can do various swipes/taps on the LCD to launch programs, mount USB storage on the computer, etc. So I also know my digitizer is ok. Just the LCD is bad (although that could be a loose connection -- did you have any with lines and were able to resurrect them by reseating a cable?).

Anyway, I don't have any experience with Dell Streaks but good luck with finding the digitizers!

Decisions, decisions....
Thanks for the thorough response! I appreciate that immensely! Would you consider using a heatgun on the back before you pry it off? Maybe that would soften the glue a bit? Not sure if that would harm the LCD, so maybe just a hair dryer would be enough?

That was suggested to me as well. I thought about it, but I figured that anything hot enough to loosen the adhesive, might do some damage to the frame underneath, as it is just plastic.

But I think I might try that next time I have to disassemble one. There is also the possibility of using my Ownta Reflow unit (Tutorial For Reflow w/ Ownta | PCTechBytes Forums) as that would distribute the heat evenly and I would have more control over the temp...

That Samsung LCD is indeed about $70 shipped from Hong Kong. Not sure if that is worth the price since these are only $199 or so brand new still from Sears or Kmart. I'll have to ponder if I want to continue down this road. I know that my tablet works otherwise -- it is booting and I can do various swipes/taps on the LCD to launch programs, mount USB storage on the computer, etc. So I also know my digitizer is ok. Just the LCD is bad (although that could be a loose connection -- did you have any with lines and were able to resurrect them by reseating a cable?).

Anyway, I don't have any experience with Dell Streaks but good luck with finding the digitizers!

Decisions, decisions....

If I end up with a good display w/ no corresponding good PCB, I'll sell ya it for $50 including shipping. I won't know for at least a week, though. Possibly two. Just got in 12 Cruz T301s and that's gonna take up my time for the next week or so...

Drop me a PM if yer interested...

Hi, I know a lot of time has gone, but I hope you still have these photos. The above link is broken. Please send it again Michale.

Thank you.
Hi, I know a lot of time has gone, but I hope you still have these photos. The above link is broken. Please send it again Michale.

Thank you.


Unfortunately, I no longer have those pics..

However, if you can give me an idea of what you are looking for, I do have a bunch of these I10s at my shop in various stages of disassembly..

Let me know what kinds of shots you need and I'll see what I can do..

Good news... I came across the pics on another workstation...

All links above should now be functional...


Thank you Michale,

It is exactly what I thought. I just wasn't feeling comfortable with the idea of putting a knife under the backplate. Now I'll try.
So as i hunt through ebay for a replacement LCd for these Impression tablets thanks to your posts and images i have a feeling that these are identical to the ipad 1 LCD's Could you possibly tell me if they are similar or the same or same connectors? 60 bucks for one these LCD's arent cheap.