How to format Vpad 10 into one partition and reinstall Windows 7 again ?


Apr 28, 2012
Hi everyone from this forum ,

i am a newbie to Vpad 10 and understand little about formatting , partitioning or installing Windows 7 . i hope someone can help me out by detailing to me step by step on how to format my vpad 10 ( currently 2gb on android primary partition , and also 14gb on windows7 ) and make it / merge into one single partition of 16gb and reinstall windows 7 again . i like use android only with a usb thumbdrive . that way i will have a slightly 2gb more to play with in windows7 . i understand i must copy or download all the drivers first and keep it on a sd card externally - is this true and how do i go about it safely , as i dont want to mess up my vpad. please help me out , many thanks and best regards - jim
If all you want to do is give the Android partition to the Windows install, you don't have to reinstall Windows for that. You can do it from inside Windows.

Click on the menu icon in the lower-left corner, and in the search bar enter 'Disk Management'. From that application you would first identify the Android partition, right-click on it, and select 'Delete Volume'. Then you can right-click on the Windows partition and select 'Extend Volume'. This will delete everything on Android partition, but not harm the Windows partition.
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Big Thanks again to you , waterhead , when i boot up , it will boot up android first and if i want to boot up windows 7 then i have to push home button once to move down to select w7 , so if i delete android volume and expand w7 volume , will my boot up be automatically be set active on w7 alone or i have to set it active manually in bios or with some software like a master boot record ? I like to ask this before deleting and expanding the volume . Thanks and regards waterhead - jim
AH, good thing that you asked.

I forgot to mention about the boot managers. After you delete the Android partition and give it to Windows, you may need to fix the Windows boot manager. It looks like you will need a Win 7 installation DVD or a system repair CD. Here is a link to a How-To that seems pretty complete:

Remove Grub - Restore Windows 7 - Windows 7 Forums
Dear waterhead , i went ahead to delete android volume , then i right click on w7 side and mark partition as Active but then i cannot extend volume , i can only open , explore , change drive letter and paths , shrink volume , properties and help - that's all . This is what my disk management say :-

Volume - SYSTEM (C:) , Layout - Simple , Type - Basic , File System - NTFS , Status - Healthy , Capacity - 12.0 GB , Free S - 3.17 GB , % Free - 25%
, Fault Tolerance - No , Overhead - 0%

Disk 0 Basic 14.91 GB Online , 2.01 GB Unallocated , SYSTEM (C:) 12.90 GB NTFS Healthy ( System, Boot, Page File , Active , Crash Dump , Primary Partition )

When i right click on 2.01 GB Unallocated side it says :- New Simple Volume , Properties and Help
When i right click on SYSTEM (C:) side it says :- Open , Explore , Change drive letter and paths , Shrink volume , properties and help

Please advise me on how to extend my SYSTEM (C:) to 14.91 GB size . Thanks and regards - jim
I did it on my tablet, but it was with a partition that was already formatted as NTFS. So, maybe you first need to format it before you can give it to the C: drive.
1) I remembered earlier the 2.01 GB Android side was made active and installed with ext3 format
2) Yes i logged in with adm. privileges , no problem here
3) When i right click or use action menu on 2.01 GB side , i can only create New Simple Volume , see Properties and Help , i cannot see any format choice - it is not there , i also cannot click New Spanned Volume and New Striped Volume as it is in grey color - you can see but cant click on these two
I can create a new simple volume , it asked me to assign to a drive letter E: or mount into the following empty NTFS folder , i can see C:\ from Browse , or last choice it says Do not assign a driver letter or drive path . Which one do i choose ?
You're going to have to experiment and see what happens. Since there is nothing on the partition any more, you don't have to worry about wrecking it.

Try assigning it the drive letter.
I can create a New Simple Volume , the wizard asked me to 1) Assign the following drive letter From A to Z except C , 2) Mount in the following empty NTFS folder , i can see C:\ when i clicked Browse , 3) Do not assign a drive letter or drive path . So which one i should choose please ?
It says Format this volume with the following settings NTFS , Default allocation size , Volume label - New Volume , Perform Quick Format , Clicked next and it's formatting , done . now it says :-

Disk 0 Basic 14.91GB Online , New Volume (E:) 2.01 GB NTFS Healthy ( Primary Partition ) , SYSTEM (C:) 12.90 GB NTFS Healthy (System , Boot , Page , File , Active , Crash Dump , Primary Partition )