How to Get a Working Google Market

oh yeah and your instructions

sqlite3 accounts.db "update meta set intvalue='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" replace the x's with your number

adb push accounts.db /data/data/

adb reboot

ok when i type adb reboot it like says error.

and i thought you don't get the market on your tablet until you put the market experience or something like the adbwifi
ok so now that step isn't working so i decided to skip that step and go on to adb connect and guess what it says?!

unable to connect to x.x.x.x:1111:1111

why the heck is there an extra 1111 i didn't put it there...
i know its frustrating hearing that bigwooly's guide ________ but i try to do this stuff just that for some reason my computer and tablet are bent on not letting me have a market. Isn't that just great!?
I know when I first was trying to get Market to work, sometimes the connection would be lost and other times I found the connection was still established when I expected it to be disconnected. Sometimes I had to try and reconnect more than once. It is OK to rerun the adbwifi as often as you need.

Also, when you come to the 'adb shell reboot' I don't run that command anytime. At this point I just hold in the power button on the back for about 5 seconds then wait for the shutdown prompts then turn it on again.

Not sure why you keep getting the sqlite3 missing message. Are you going in to the DOS prompt and typing in something like

cd c:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools (Note: I installed in a different directory and needed to change my

this should be typed in anytime you open a command prompt (DOS prompt)

Hope some of this helps
i know its frustrating hearing that bigwooly's guide ________ but i try to do this stuff just that for some reason my computer and tablet are bent on not letting me have a market. Isn't that just great!?

If it matters any, its not Bigwooly's guide, the development tools for android were not written for a windows 7 64 bit computer (which I have and I suspect you do to) I got the same problem on the steps your complaining about (sqlite not found). I suspect this problem is being cause by the program that handles the ADB communication with the google servers, it doesn't seem to be looking for sqlite in the correct spot. You can run SQLITE3.exe (which is in the platform-tools folder) on its own as long as you place the accounts.db into the same folder. After you have done the ADB pull command search your computer for accounts.db, place that in the platform-tools folder, then run SQLITE3.exe - Personally I stopped once I was unable to get SQLITE3 to read the accounts.db thought about importing it into SQL at work but for reasons explained later I don't think i'll be trying that. Sqlite3 kept telling me syntax error and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, mind you I'm a programmer who works in SQL so not sure why I was unable to accomplish this one.... Plus my tablet doesn't have a recovery image so there ya go... I find the tablet works well enough on its own, I've been busy side loading every ap I could ever want (even got an android VNC for the computer that controls my tv... I'm in heaven lol) One word of advice... get a case... Broke my first one this morning, thankfully I have only had a couple days so took it back and exchanged it...

- George
bigwolly--YOU ARE A GOD! Thank you so much for the step-by-step! You've totally made my $99 tablet purchase worthwhile.

Also, epeereboom, THANK YOU for post 83! I was stuck on that step (getting the "not found" error) for over an hour. I was about to give up when I saw your post buried in this thread. Your cmd sequence had me sorted out in under a minute! You rock!
ok so now that step isn't working so i decided to skip that step and go on to adb connect and guess what it says?!

unable to connect to x.x.x.x:1111:1111

why the heck is there an extra 1111 i didn't put it there...

I just reset mine back to factory and I was having this problem. I was connecting to my Cisco enterprise Access Point and I could not ping my tablet (ping x.x.x.x with the x's being your IP address of the tablet) if you cannot ping it you cannot connect. I connect to one of my wireless routers and it works almost everytime.

Don't know if this helps, but something else to try.
okay ya ive navigated to the correct folder already. I don't see whats wrong but i willl try ur methods thanks
It looks like it's trying to automatically add the port info. Try leaving the :1111 part off..

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
It looks like it's trying to automatically add the port info. Try leaving the :1111 part off..

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

When I had connection issues it said the same thing. The :1111 is the port and is required otherwise it defaults to a different port. The adbwifi script in Gscript specifies port 1111. I might recommend PikachuCLS try resetting the router, temporarily disable wifi security or try a public wifi hotspot.
okay ya ive navigated to the correct folder already. I don't see whats wrong but i willl try ur methods thanks
Where are you in the process i've tried to go back and deipher where you are but i'm unclear.

Did you get your androidID (that long number after the bar) pulled from an emulator? (one that was logged in with your GMAIL account and was able to download an app)

If so are you now on the step to inject your android ID?

Have you pushed the google experience to your tablet yet?

Did you install the apps mentioned and setup ADB wifi on your tablet yet?

Let me know where you are and i will try to help you. Please remember this I don't have a tablet to use to test any of this any more.
Thanks bigwooly for the great guide. Got the G experience installed and the market working on my SYTABEX7. One little quirk though that I've had. When I installed all the G apps, no icons were added to launch them. I have to use the Android System Information from the guide to launch any apps. Is this normal for this guide? Seems to me like I should have gotten the icons.

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If you change your home launcher those icons should show up for you. I personally use launcher pro, but there are many more out there.

Sent from my p7901a using Tapatalk
If you change your home launcher those icons should show up for you. I personally use launcher pro, but there are many more out there.

Sent from my p7901a using Tapatalk

Thanks for that. Installing Launcher Pro did the trick for me. However, now I can't add widgets (force closes) . Have you seen that error?