How to get the android market?


Jun 3, 2011
The velocity Cruz only comes with the CruzMarket. How do I get the android market? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as there are many apps which I want to download. Thank you..
Other than rooting my r101, is there another way to get to the android market? Or is the only way is to have an android phone and have that phone associated to my account?
You can root without replacing the firmware. Replacing the firmware can give you more options like Android Market. I have tried a few and eventually went back to the Velocity firmware on my R101, it was more stable than the others.

What that does mean, though, is that you are limited to Amazon market and other sites that allow direct downloading of .APK files.

I just accept that limitation as a part of having a cheap device, and besides I can usually find an app that does what I need on Amazon.
I have had this tablet for almost a year and have researched heavily. It is a very capable device and I use it daily as a college student. One problem I have been trying to solve recently is since I have buying most of my college textbooks as e-books (very convienant and cost effective) except the books don't read well in a browser. Of all the companies producing these e-books; i.e pearson, and coursesmart, they all have apps that will make reading the books much more friendly, except the apps are only available on the Android market which the cruz does not have access to. I am to the point where I have installed the Android Market App and another app that disguises my device as a t-mobile phone that will give me access to these apps I desparately need on the A market. I am hung up because the disguise app goes to the choice of t-mobile and then a pop up window tells me I need to gain root (or superuser) access to my device in order to procede. This is where the problem needs solving. We discover how to accomplish this and then the cruz tablet becomes the perfect tool at an amazing price point. I am going to post this message everywhere I can till one of the computer genious's out there figures it out. Good luck to me and every other cruz tablet owner. The 1st step to upgrading this device is to go to velocity micro's help site and upgrade the system to Android 2.2 Froyo. The steps and links are all there, its not hard and it speeds up the system as well as makes it more responsive, a must do if you own this device and just the beginning to making this tablet as good as most of the other tablets on the market. I am very satisfied with my cruze T301!