how to recover deleted files Galaxy 10.1 and not able to save file in Polaris


Dec 4, 2011
i am new to Tablet and Polaris. While working in Polaris on word document, when i've tried to save files either on the card or in dropbox, i was getting "failed to save" message. and I accidentally deleted an older copy in a dropbox. Could not find help by searching for Polaris manual or guide, nor with file recovery.
Please help.
Hello, congratulations on your new Galaxy and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you're having problems and I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section to see if anyone there can help you out. Good luck!
No one can help? I am having the same issue here.

If the problem you are referring to is recovery of a deleted file, it isn't possible if the file was on internal storage. If it was on an SD card it might be possible if you use a data recovery program on your PC but they won't work on the tablet.
Even if you delete the files from your smartphone, they are not actually deleted until something is not overwritten in that portion of memory . So in case you deleted something is wrong, you recover deleted files from android immediately before it is overwritten and index finger pointing to it become unavailable now
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That applies more to a PC than to Android. Explaining that in those terms without a ton of qualifiers, like you needed to have been able to access the tablet storage and a bunch of other things makes your statement when applied to Android mostly incorrect. There are tools for recpovering internally stored files for iOS, but not Android, and especially if you aren't rooted. The fine print on the tools that claim to be able to restore deleted files for Android primarily refer to microSD cards.