How to Save PDF Files?


Jan 10, 2013
Hubby & kids surprised me with a Note 10.1 N8010 for Christmas, and I'm having fun figuring it out. Slowly but surely ....

How do I save a PDF file to my tablet?

When I find a PDF on the Internet, click to download, and an arrow shows up in the bottom right menu bar. I click on that arrow, and another menu pops up. The PDF download is listed under "Notifications". I click on the PDF download, and a pop-up appears asking whether I want to complete the action with Amazon Kindle or Polaris Office. It will open in Polaris Office, but there is no option for saving the file.

Can I save it to Dropbox or Pocket? Is there some other app that will work?

So far, the best I can do is to take a screenshot and put it into S-Note, but the text is distorted and difficult to read.
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From your description it sounds like it WAS saved. You should be able to find it by opening "file manager" and looking in the download folder. A long press on the file should bring up share and you can use that to send it to DropBox.
The arrow in notifications indicates you have downloaded a file, in this case the PDF file, and it should now reside in the Downloads folder. As far as I know anytime you read a PDF it downloads first and is rendered locally.
It probably would benefit you to download a robust file manager as the stock Samsung app is limited. I always suggest ES File Explorer, which is free and very feature rich. It also deals with box and dropbox, and other cloud based storage options, quite well. It allows you to copy, paste, etc to these services just like you would between folders on your device.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1