How to Recover Lost Storage Space on Internal SD After Flashing


Nov 2, 2013
i followed your step in rooting and flashing with 7065, but now i just got 1.49gb for internal and 1gb of internal sd
tried to restore 7060 that i created before i flash it with 7065 but still the same storage space, if i remember correctly i had 16gb
before i flashed the device,
can you help me figure out what went wrong?
can anyone help me i have a coby kyros mid7060 without gapps, ive rooted it and installed cwm then i flashed it with mid 7065 firmware,
now i only have 1gb of internal sd and 1.4gb of internal storage (phone memory)
ive tried flashing it with the back up that i created before i flash it but to no avail
i couldnt get the space back
can anyone help me pls
I heard the 7060 was 4gb, but to check, from adb shell, type:

busybox df -h

And post the output.
app_62@android:/ $ busybox df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 427.1M 80.0K 427.0M 0% /dev
tmpfs 427.1M 0 427.1M 0% /mnt/asec
tmpfs 427.1M 0 427.1M 0% /mnt/obb
ubi0_0 438.5M 222.9M 210.9M 51% /system
/dev/block/mtdblock6 127.8M 18.2M 109.6M 14% /factory
ubi1_0 1.5G 703.5M 813.5M 46% /data
/dev/block/mtdblock7 511.0M 18.5M 492.5M 4% /cache
994.3M 591.9M 402.4M 60% /mnt/sdcard
df: /mnt/secure/asec: Permission denied
14.8G 1.1G 13.8G 7% /mnt/sdcard/external_sdcard
/dev/block/dm-0 5.1M 3.9M 1.2M 77% /mnt/asec/
/dev/block/dm-1 5.1M 3.5M 1.6M 69% /mnt/asec/com.moistrue.zombiesmasher-1
1|app_62@android:/ $
can you tell me what this means?
up to now got no luck coby tablet still reads 1 gb of internal storage
really sorry im such a noob at this

If you look at the partitions, it adds up to ~4gb. Have you been using this tablet? Try loading your anime files and see if you can load them.

What is it that you could do before, that you cannot do now?
im going to post a screenshot of my tablet so you can see whats going on thanks tpaine really appreciate your reply

as you can see i only have 0.97gb of internal strorage
i was thinking of swapping technique but im too scared to mess with it,