How to Root MID7024

Hi. Sorry, I am totally new to Android (but not Linux).

I don't know what any of the stuff under "You will need" is. Would it be possible to add links or clarification?

Are there any must-reads before I even embark on this project?

I don't understand why I can't get Marketplace apps in the first place, seems like that should be out of the box.

Thanks in advance,

- John

John, its not real hard to root but I would suggest some reading of basic Linux and Android commands. There should be lots to read here on the forums. Doesn't matter what the tablet getting rooted is the terminology should all be the same.

Good luck, and ask questions
after alot of trial and error I finally got rooted here is the code I used.

adb push su /etc/
adb push busybox /etc/
adb push psneuter /etc/

adb shell chmod 777 /etc/su
adb shell chmod 777 /etc/busybox
adb shell chmod 777 /etc/psneuter

adb shell
adb shell
#mount -o rw,remount/system
#cp /etc/su /system/bin/su
#cp /etc/busybox /system/bin/busybox
#cp /etc/su /system/xbin/su
#cp /etc/busybox /system/xbin/busybox
#chown 0:0 /system/bin/su
#chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

now to work on android market and google apps.

Did you go straight to manual rooting out of the box, or did you try z4 or SimpleoneClick first? I'm wondering if either of those being ran first makes a difference as to why you had so much rooting problems. I ran z4 and SuperoneClick with no root, and I believe ZenTsang had tried those first also before rooting manually.
I just went straight to manual rooting, also if you try to use super one click after you root the tablet it unroots it. I got bored at 12 o clock last night and found that out.
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Dave...can you please upload a video on YouTube on how to root Coby Kyros MID7024 with step by step instructions. That'll be very very helpful for many people like me who visit this forum but are afraid of doing anything that's written here just because they are not familiar with android programming.

I just went straight to manual rooting, also if you try to use super one click after you root the tablet it unroots it. I got bored at 12 o clock last night and found that out.

12, Ha! I was long gone by than. Actually, I have not touched my 7024 in 2 days.
Dave...can you please upload a video on YouTube on how to root Coby Kyros MID7024 with step by step instructions. That'll be very very helpful for many people like me who visit this forum but are afraid of doing anything that's written here just because they are not familiar with android programming.


ALli, the rooting process all takes place on your PC. The tablet is plugged into your USB port. You must have a working ADB and proper USB drivers. I'm not sure what a youtube video would accomplish since all you do is type commands into a CMD window.

Also at this point there is nothing that can be gained by rooting your tablet, and you can ruin your tablet very easily. I would recommend that unless you're a developer I would not bother until a safe method of recovery is setup and that there is something useful that rooting and the risks make it worth while.

I worked on rooting my tablet because I have early onslaught of Alzheimer's and read keeping my brain challenged would help.
I have been using root to side load apps with ti backup from my phone. Though my super user is acting a tad goofy and asking for permission like 10 times, though I believe my super user needs to be updated as I am using my patched super user.

As dave said though, right now there isn't a lot of benefits to rooting. Once we develop a recovery image then we can make some actual progress. That is going to take a tad more skilled dev then myself to do.
At this point, if you do not know how to root the device given the instructions in this thread, you probably have little to no use for root access at all. Until more system components are developed for the generation 2 tablets, there is little added functionality that ordinary end-users actually would benefit from in obtaining superuser access.

Someone could create a .bat script to help people root. That would be much better than having the YouTube video.
Did you go straight to manual rooting out of the box, or did you try z4 or SimpleoneClick first? I'm wondering if either of those being ran first makes a difference as to why you had so much rooting problems. I ran z4 and SuperoneClick with no root, and I believe ZenTsang had tried those first also before rooting manually.

You are correct Dave... I ran both of these first and neither worked so I reset the device and did the manual rooting process which worked fine. I'm still stuck on getting ClockworkMod and Google Apps installed. I can't figure out the button hold needed to get into ClockworkMod or any hboot type system for that matter on this device.

Like Dave, after I successfully rooted the MID7024... I had to focus on my taxes so I didn't touch the device until just now so I think it's been about 4 days for me. Anyway... I tried putting the ClockworkMod recovery.img from the MID7015 on my MID7024 and it doesn't work. Or maybe it does and I just don't know how to access it. But basically after running the adb flash recovery command followed by the adb reboot... the system shuts off and doesn't reboot. I can reboot manually but it just goes into the normal boot up to the home screen. If I boot holding the Volume Up or the Home button... I see the initial message that a Upgrade System is active but then the screen goes black and just freezes. So the recovery.img definitely wrote something ... I just don't know how to get to it. Luckily the device still works fine but now I seem to have lost the ability to clear everything back to factory defaults. Good thing I have 2 of these things to mess with. My wife will just kill me if I brick her's. =)

If Clockwork is installed it should be the same buttons just as if you were to flash a new FW. Home + Power. From what I was told after the tablet tries to find the FW file release the power button keep holding the home and supposedly you are presented with a sub menu. I've not tried this yet however.
Not sure if there is a difference between Clockwork for 2.1 (7015) and Clockwork for 2.2 (7024) Also it might be volume down + power after the FW words appear release the power while holding the volume down for factory reset to default.
hello, im new to android tablets, (though not Android itself). im planning on rooting my 7024 when i receive it from amazon, i have a few questions if anyone would be so kind as to answer them,

1. before rooting, is it possible to install .apk files you have put on the SD card via your computer?

2. what are the chances of irreversibly bricking the tablet while rooting it?

3. once it has been rooted,is it possible to tweek(OC) the cpu over 1GHz, (im thinking 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, maybe 1.2/1.3 GHz)?

4. (well i guess this really doesn't have anything to do /w rooting it) are there any spiffy vnc clients out there for android? (even the PSP has a nice vnc app ._.) this would make the tablet 2x more usefull to me

Yes install from SD is possible. There is always the chance of bricking the tablet, I don't think oc'ing is possible without source for the kernel. There are vnc apps for Android, I have not tried any tho.