[How To] Unbrick Superpad VI 512 RAM 4GB


Sep 12, 2013
Hello. I'm making this new post to help those who are in the same situation with me. I have this SuperPad VI that won't boot, the android symbol remains on screen for as long as i keep the tablet on. and the only way i could turn it off is by hitting reset.
I've been searching the hole internet for a solution, spent 3 days on forums to find something, but all i found din't work. By this i mean flashing it with other androids like 4.0.3 and with stock 2.3, both the sd card method (update.zip) and the vortex flash tool with vortex.pak and male to male USB cable. Still no result.
After taking it apart, i was able to see that the hard disk of this tablet is an 4 gb sd card. So y took the card out, put it in a card reader and attached it to a computer. I copied the files into computer, got another sd card, of 8gb, an copied the files into it. Puted the card in the tablet, and when powering it on, i saw that the tablet started to boot, passed the android logo, and almost made it into main menu, but i was unable to pass by the calibration of the screen. So i took yet another shot at the vortex flashing tool, using the stock android 2.3, and made it!
Finally the tablet is running again, so in conclusion, there was no NAND flash broken, the only thing that was broken was the hard disk.
For all those who are in the same situation, give it a try, it might work for you too!
Late congratulations on your successful fix!

Which CPU is in your SP6? I recently got what was billed as a Flytouch 8/SuperPAD 8 containing the AllWinner A10 chip, with a soldered-down 4Gb NAND and an INTERNAL TF card slot. Up to that point I thought ALL the SuperPADs were InfotMICs... Just goes to show ya!

Enjoy! :D