How to watch youtube videos on Augen 2nd edition?


Dec 6, 2010
I recently bought an Augen Gentouch78 2nd edition but I can't watch any youtube videos. I red in the forum from somebody that I need to install skyfire. I did it but nothings happens. when I played videos looks pink. Any possible reason? I don't know what I have to do. Please help!!!!!!
Thx for your fast reply. I'll try. I'll let you know. You know, is a christmas gift and I have to wait until my kid fall sleep. Thanks again!!!
I can't install the youtube.apk I don't know why because when I try received this message: application not install. Do I need something else to use it? Thx
Thank you feverhost. Two thumbs up!!! Now is working. Thank's again for make my son happy.