[HowTo] Upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2 based ROMs

Hey Matt,

Thanks for the reply, going through tab DT's... I followed your steps in the OP here, and got hung up after doing the 3588 install. after the install was complete I went and checked about tab to veryify the numbers and tried to go into CWM to allow the 4349 branch to install. it would indicate that the install was taking place but it was very short duration. after checking the about tab again, it did not do the install. Several attempts going back as far as repartitioning the SD card, format all, etc. I think finally out of desperation I got back into CWM and did install zip and ran the 4349 zip from there. That when things went bad, hangs on the Birds boot screen......... So back to my original plea, what is the best process now? NVflash back to stock 3588, or NVflash to the 4349 following Linuxbxsolution method? He has on one of his links 2 or 3 1.2 branch zip files for this but I can not determine which one or ones to follow. Thanks in advance and please pass me a tab before I go insane (LMAO)

http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ycomb-android-illuminate-gtablet-zpad-t2.html here is link to his post with the video and links to the down loads
Dan, I've had great luck with this link:

[RECOVERY] nvflash FULL restore, using either 1.1 or 1.2 based images - [G-TABLET] - SlateDroid.com

It's a how-to authored by roebeet, and it's worked every time for me. I'd also suggest scrapping what you've done, and starting over by nvflashing 3588--make sure to use the 3588 image from the link above. If you can get into the stock ROM and everything works, you can decide next which custom ROM you want (1.1 or 1.2 bootloader) and we can plan the next step!

I have to put one plug in here....if you are NVFlashing anyway, do the NVFlash to 4349. Then it is drop-dead simple to update to any of the 1.2 ROMs
Amen to the link that Matt provided, and Peter's statement.
One thing that I would add: CMW SD partition to 4096/0, then again back to 2048/0 before nvflash. This is my own habit to ensure a clean state. For the best protection, use laptop to ensure clean power and free of power interruption.

Dan, I've had great luck with this link:

[RECOVERY] nvflash FULL restore, using either 1.1 or 1.2 based images - [G-TABLET] - SlateDroid.com

It's a how-to authored by roebeet, and it's worked every time for me. I'd also suggest scrapping what you've done, and starting over by nvflashing 3588--make sure to use the 3588 image from the link above. If you can get into the stock ROM and everything works, you can decide next which custom ROM you want (1.1 or 1.2 bootloader) and we can plan the next step!


I have tried three time to get the NVFLASH to go :-(( Vol- and Power button gives methe Bird screen and goes black. this is normal. I do not see ny back gorund light around the edges. When I run the NVFlash script nothing happens and nothing on the tab either. no what?
OK, two thoughts:

First, can you check in Device Manager to make sure the tab shows up as an APX device (or similar). Second, if so, double check to make sure the image files (part1.img, part2.img) are in the same directory as the nvflash batch script. If the script can't find them, it may be failing.

Oh, another trick is to start a cmd shell on your PC and navigate to the folder where the nvflash stuff is stored. If you start the batch script from the command line, you might get more error info.

I finally figured out what was wrong. been a long week... did not put the nvflash files together in same folder. DUHHH .. Now will CWM .8 load normally? trying to get Illuminate to flash no luck. I know you guys have played with most of the 1.2 based roms. which runs like "Ubuntu" ... "It just works". I need a fast stable tab that can run flash and a variety of office prog's. suggestions? Looking cool is a bonus.
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inally figured out what was wrong. been a long week... did not put the nvflash files together in same folder. DUHHH .. Now will CWM .8 load normally? trying to get Illuminate to flash no luck. I know you guys have played with most of the 1.2 based roms. which runs like "Ubuntu" ... "It just works". I need a fast stable tab that can run flash and a variety of office prog's. suggestions? Looking cool is a bonus.
Awesome, good progress. FYI as I started to nvflash different image files, I realized I need to make a DUPLICATE directory for each set, with only the image files different in each folder.

Today, it's a no-brainer: you should give Flashback 7.1 a try. A good place to start is here: [ROM - 1.2] Flashback - Honeycomb - Alpha 7.1 (8/3/11) [G-TABLET\ZPAD T2] - SlateDroid.com

Make sure to look at the three installation options, and pick the one that fits your situation. I'll bet you'll be amazed once you've installed it.

If you've got the 4349 image installed, it "should" have CWM as the recovery option. When you go into recovery, let me know which color the text is, that'll tell us if it's stock or CWM. It's easy to switch between them if you need to, but even with stock recovery you can flash Flashback no problem.

The recovery screen has dark blue lettering. I kept at the system and noticed that they changed the key process. I ran the intall upgrade (internal sd card) and it took off. Did not appear to run the illuminate rom so will take a look at the flashback per your suggestion. Now that I have a good nights sleep things are falling into logical process again. Thanks for the help. Will keep you posted.
Dark blue is stock, not cwm. Start the tab, open terminal emulator and try this (depending on which image you flashed),

Type su, then enter
Type fix recovery.cwm

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@ whoever can help please I tryed usimng Fuganaters method of updating to 1.2 but using a MAC it didnt auto install after i rebooted after installing stock3588rom n rebooted into recovery mode n i tryed to nvflash but so super confused by the how to guide on slatedroid so please help i almost bricked my poor Gtablet after deciding to upgrade to honeycomb because of the recent marketplace update which caused VeganGingerbread market unlock to fail
OK, let's slow it down, and take it from the beginning. :) I'll also have a better chance of following you if there's some punctuation every now and then in your message (you sound stressed!).

Take a breath, and when you have a few minutes, list the steps that you've taken so far. We'll try to start you over and get you some Honeycomb. ;) Also, any chance you can work the install from a Windows machine? I'm not 100% sure I can assist if you're using a Mac.

lol yea, i think i might be able to work from a windows today even. So i followed the steps in fugas first post but since i was using Microsoft word Mac style so i saved the "COMMAND" file as "COMMAND.txt" then renamed it "COMMAND" n since the MAC i was using auto unzipped the Calkins format all n the the stock images i recompressed them and renamed them as titled in Fuganaters post

followed the instructions to the "T" but the 1.2 Stock didnt auto install when i rebooted CWM

Current update also seems as Right now i cant boot into CWM its says in Red Letters on the VS birds screen "Magic Vlaue MisMacth:"
OK, great. My advice is to get access to a Win machine, and start here:


Assuming you're headed toward a Honeycomb ROM (may I suggest Flashback?), the first three steps are:

(1) Get nvflash working
(2) Use nvflash to install the 4349 stock image file
(3) Confirm that the stock ROM runs 100%

Check out the link above and let me know if you have any questions!
