HTC One S Locking


Mar 23, 2013
My wife just purchased a HTC One S ANdroid phone and wants to be able to lock it so no one else can use it either by password or fingerprint. We do not want one of those phony ones that just fool an inexperienced user and an experienced user can get out of the app.

Is there such an app to actually lock the device and only us enterring a password or using our fingerprint to unlock it?

thanks in advance.

Samsung 7" tab 2.0
Htc One S
Check your settings every android device has security to lock the device.

Sent from my Coby MID7065 using Android Tablet
Thanks, found the lock under security and set it to use a pin and lock immediate. If I leave the device unattended I would also like it to lock but it doesn't. I can lock it by pressing the power button to turn off the screen and once I try to unlock it it prompts me for the password.

How can I get the device to lock after a period of inactivity has elapsed?
Check your settings every android device has security to lock the device.

Sent from my Coby MID7065 using Android Tablet
Just to clarify, do you mean putting the device to sleep after 1 minute? I could not find how to set the screen to turn off in one miniute
Once your screen goes black, the screen should lock, set screen to turn off in 1 minute.

Sent from my Coby MID7065 using Android Tablet
These 3 picks should help you, they are from my device yours should have something similar.

This pick is with no screen lock.

Once you set the lock your tablet should now say what type of lock you are using, in below picture Secured with pin.
Also you should have a new menu just below screen lock called Automatically lock, you can adjust time when screen should lock

In below pic this shows the time and place where to set screen time out.

Thanks with your help was able to explain how the lock works. She ws thinking if the device went to sleep would not let her know there was a incoming call or other notification.
These 3 picks should help you, they are from my device yours should have something similar.

This pick is with no screen lock.

Once you set the lock your tablet should now say what type of lock you are using, in below picture Secured with pin.
Also you should have a new menu just below screen lock called Automatically lock, you can adjust time when screen should lock

In below pic this shows the time and place where to set screen time out.
