Huawei Ideos S7-104 Vibration?


Dec 13, 2010
Does anyone with a S7-104 from BB have a vibrator motor on there phone?

I did not have a option in 2.1 rom (I think) at least I never used it Now I do and it does not work.

Thanks, Markus31788

I am running [ROM] (joenilan) Ideos S7 Froyo Stable v1.3-EXT4

Will someone respond to this or send me a link so I will know for sure.

Thanks You, Markus31788
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I haven't fired up my S7 for a while, but if you don't get a response by tomorrow I will and tell you what I can find out.
By the way I don't have access to it tonight or I would check now.

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