Huawei Ideos S7 Does Not Turn On

hi, have you solved your problem? i have a S7-105. it doesn't turn on with or without power supply. no lights. please help me if you can.

Hi Egone,

Unfortunatly, No, for the time being i have had to put it down as we are packing to move house,
im looking at the possiblity of actually having to find myself another android device as there doesnt seem to be any solution i have found

please, if you find something that works in the meantime let us know, im sure it will be appreciated

Hi, I need your expert opinions regarding my S7. It refuses to turn on or power up either with the battery or the charger plugged after an "unsuccessful" firmware upgrade. Did I brick my tablet?

I have already successfully upgraded from the stock 2.1 to 2.2.2 (Indo ROM) previously. Then recently, my S7 hung on the "IDEOS" logo after powering-up. Tried hard reset, recovery and fast-boot to no avail. So I eventually decided to re-flash via SD using 2.2.2 Indo ROM again. During the upgrade process, the progress bar stopped midway and my S7 reset. Tried to repeat the process with similar results, simply the upgrade failed. After that, my S7 does not turn on anymore. I tried removing the battery and plugged the AC charger but still it won't power up. I don't think this is a hardware issue and I suspect it has something to do with the failed upgrade.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance!

Hey Did you get any answer
I have the same problem. Is due to the power jack on the tablet. If you look inside it, the metal in the middle is broken. I searched a jack identical but have not found. The only way is to remove the two wires from the (+) and (-) and connect a different type of plug. The problem is I do not know which are the polarities on the motherboard. $contacts.JPG
Check the polarity symbol on the case. It will look like either of these:


The third contact of the five that have lines running through them in the image you provided is the center pin, which is the dot with the line leading to the + or - mark on the right. The barrel connectors will be the opposite polarity.
If you could measure the polarity, then why were you having an issue with the polarity not being marked on the motherboard? Or did I misunderdtand you this morning?

That bottom negative could be the ground. The two positives and two negatives are plausible, but powering it up is the only way to be sure.
Thank you Traveller. Socket on the motherboard is faulty. When inserted power jack, I can not see what polarity is on the motherboard.
The piece of metal in the middle socket on the motherboard is broke and remained in power jack. Because of this no longer feeds the tablet. In my opinion this is the problem for all colleagues from this post. I apologize for my english.
Then there's nothing to do but wire up a new jack using those contact points. Desoldering the old jack from the board though might clarify whether that bottom pin is negative or is, as I believe it to be, ground.
hi, have you solved your problem? i have a S7-105. it doesn't turn on with or without power supply. no lights. please help me if you can.

i solved the problem by taking it apart disconnecting the battery cable for 5 seconds reconnect it and put tablet back together. use a usb cable and charge the tablet via pc on usb overnight. that solved the problem for me, finally after 4 months of being completely dead there's life. the problem is that the battery drains completely and it takes a while to charge before it shows
hi, have you solved your problem? i have a S7-105. it doesn't turn on with or without power supply. no lights. please help me if you can.
Hi Egone,

unfortunately not, i still have the device but its still in the same state - wont power on at all - still holding out hope that someone might be able to give us a fix :)

i solved the problem by taking it apart disconnecting the battery cable for 5 seconds reconnect it and put tablet back together. use a usb cable and charge the tablet via pc on usb overnight. that solved the problem for me, finally after 4 months of being completely dead there's life. the problem is that the battery drains completely and it takes a while to charge before it shows

Thanks Faithley, i think i might give this a go and will post back :)
