Huawei - Ideos S7 Tablet - White-Next Gen at BBuy?

I'll let you know! I've been waiting for it to buy a tablet and I will go to Best Buy today and ask them about ordering one.
I went to my local best buy to ask about this tablet, but they told me it was deleted in their system, and they did not have one for me to look at. They did say I would be able to order one online, but that it was not coming to the stores as far as they knew. They did not know if it was a new version of the S7 tablet, but they told me it was a different part number than the old S7.

I have opted instead to get the elocity A7 from Tiger direct for $279.
It's listed as the S7-201W on bbuy's website. Looks like no cellular functionality (wifi-only, no phone app), can't see any send/end buttons.

If it's capacitive, I'll probably "sidegrade" to this one, and give my current S7 to one of my family members.
Looks like the Slim from the product picture.

The Slim does not have dedicated phone buttons, but is supposed to support the functionality anyways.

Weird that the device is shown on backorder. It will be really nice when it ships. This also gives some merit to the rumors of Huwaei's 2.2 update for the S7 being suppressed with the release of the Slim.
I wonder what the plans are for this device in Australia (if there are any)?

The original was marketed through Telstra, which is a monolithic organisation known for its great network, but excessive prices and arrogant, monopolistic practices.
i look at the tablet at BB .. the version is S7-201W
but it is very confusing..
does it support GPS? does it support phone function?
how about the camera.. some sources say it has 3.2 mp camera , but GSM arena says 2mp camera
how about the batter in this 201w series?? is it 3500mAh or 2200 mAh
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Somebody already bought one on BB and posted on youtube yesterday:

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It's listed as the S7-201W on bbuy's website. Looks like no cellular functionality (wifi-only, no phone app), can't see any send/end buttons.

If it's capacitive, I'll probably "sidegrade" to this one, and give my current S7 to one of my family members.

i sent an email to huawei USA , about s7-201w phone functionality and sms/mms, and about phone call ( optional) in their website

here is the reply:
Dear Gilang,

Thank you for contacting Huawei Technical Support.

Your Case Number for this issue is: #121547

The S7 Slim has GPS and not A-GPS. The phone call and SMS/MMS optional means that the 3G version of the tablet can do these things. The wi-fi only version cannot make calls or send text messages using a service provider like AT&T or T-Mobile.

If you need to reply to this message, please click 'reply' to include all previous correspondence. This allows us to track your issue more efficiently and to resolve your issue more quickly. We hope your experience with us has provided you with an acceptable resolution to your issue.

Thank you for choosing the Huawei Support Team.

so s7-201 has phone functionality and GPS too ( not A-GPS as in s7-105 series)
As usual Huawei's response is difficult to interpret. It seems they are saying that there is a wifi only version of the tablet as well as a 3g version. A real wifi only version and not a BestBuy misinformed wifi version...
Well, the customer review at BB hints that they are selling a wi-fi only device:

I really like the Huawei Tablet. It's got all of the android apps, and it's wi-fi only so I didn't have to get an additional mobile plan with it, I can just connect to wi-fi (which I'm by all the time), and work on the internet. They have great wallpapers, as well as being able to view microsoft office documents such as powerpoints, and excel spreadsheets. The two cameras are great because I can take a picture as well as video chat. The battery I'm not too sure about, because I can use it for like 6 or 7 hours but it depends on what exactly you've been doing. It does charge quickly though. The large screen is pretty nice too cause I can watch movies, or youtube videos without them being too pixelated.
Well, the customer review at BB hints that they are selling a wi-fi only device:

yes its true :( .. BB only sells wifi only version right now
it is confrimed by the owner of 201w which he/she bought it from bb and posted a video about 201 in youtube:

yes this is the 201w series.Sadly there is no phone functionality like the last model. Wonderful GPS that works great. Something odd though. When I took the back cover off, there is a slot to put a SIM Card, but it was filled with some grey foam so it could not be added. Kind of like what Acer did to their WiFi only tablet and covered up the slot.
I just bought one a few hours ago. BB had it available on the website so I headed down there to check it out. They had the price tag but no display model so I asked to see one. The guy there tied to hand me the old model. Then he found the new one and wasn't sure if he could sell it to me. Something about the UPC not scanning right in their system. He said he couldn't just open the box and let me see it. So I bought it. It'll probably go back soon because the Mic really sucks. I have to speak very loud, or get really close to the Mic or else it won't get my words correct and it tells me there's no match. I recorded a few videos and there's a horrible buzzing in the audio. The Huawei Video played nice and clear with no audio hiccups and the speakers sounded really good. I can't seem to connect to the Android Market. It tells me I don't have a reliable data connection. I'm connected to my WiFi and able to load pages from the Browser. But can't log on and connect to the Market. Can't seem to locate satellites for GPS either.
I just bought one a few hours ago. BB had it available on the website so I headed down there to check it out. They had the price tag but no display model so I asked to see one. The guy there tied to hand me the old model. Then he found the new one and wasn't sure if he could sell it to me. Something about the UPC not scanning right in their system. He said he couldn't just open the box and let me see it. So I bought it. It'll probably go back soon because the Mic really sucks. I have to speak very loud, or get really close to the Mic or else it won't get my words correct and it tells me there's no match. I recorded a few videos and there's a horrible buzzing in the audio. The Huawei Video played nice and clear with no audio hiccups and the speakers sounded really good. I can't seem to connect to the Android Market. It tells me I don't have a reliable data connection. I'm connected to my WiFi and able to load pages from the Browser. But can't log on and connect to the Market. Can't seem to locate satellites for GPS either.

so you bought the 3G version , didnt you?? how much did it cost??