I am thinking of buying a Ziio...

Feb 2, 2011
Hi to all Ziio owners!

I seriously considering buying this tablet. I live in the Middle East and there are only 3 tablets available in the market to choose from. The Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab and the Creative Ziio.

Both the Apple iPad and the Tab are too expensive for my taste. This will be my first Android product, so I am hoping for something on the cheaper side but still giving a "decent" Android experience.

Ziio seems to fit my need well. I do not need 3G functionality; WiFi will work well enough. It'll be mostly an entertainment device for me, with web-browsing as the top requirement. I have a Samsung Wave to take care of my communication need.

Furthermore, data plans in my country are...unattractive to say the least; at least as compared to the West. So the Ziio - which I believe is missing a GPS module anyway - will not become my main device.

I just need a bigger screen while I curl up in my bed at the end of the day. :)

Web browsing, some music and fiddle with some apps - mostly games, I suppose.

The Huawei S7 would have been a great alternative...but it is not available here. And I am all for Warranty and after-sales services.

So if any of you good souls can give me a little heads up on your experience to help me decide to make a purchase, it'll be great.

Drop some advice on apps (I know there is a list - but little hand-holding will be really appreciated :cool:), battery-life, what do you use it for; any thing you guy might think is important.

Hmm...this may seem inappropriate, asking this in a tablet forum; but how would you guys compare the Creative Ziio against a Lenovo Netbook - the touchscreen model. It's 10.1", Windows - which as an OS is not a touch optimized, heavier and costs twice as much.

Well guys, don't keep me waiting too long and start with the feedback!!!

Thanks in advance
first off, there is no Flash support yet on the Ziio, so if your entertainment plans require that, you may want to change your device selection.

Flash is not that important to me. At worst I'll use a dedicated Youtube app if the need arises. I'll be browsing and reading on the device. Maybe play music in the background. See some videos when the fancy strikes me.

I am well aware that this device in not top of the range. I did read some of the reviews of this device on the net and checked out Youtube vids. It seemed okay...

I was just finishing for some actual user review. I am not hung up on the resistive screen. I own a N900 and its resistive screen never hindered operation. It has 1 GHz processor, so it should be snappy enough for me. And all the flake about jittery transition between changing pages in the home screen...I am not that hung up on asthetics.

Reading up articles on the web is my main focus...and I am just looking for assurance that the Ziio can do this at top level.

Thanks for the feedback
the resistive screen is actually among the best i have tested...
First, to make one thing clear; I am not trolling or trying to start a war of words with any Ziio fan/owner. If you read up previous post, Ziio is the ONLY choice for an Android tablet in my area. Unfortunately, there is no display model available I can fiddle around with to experience the Ziio for myself. For me, shopkeepers are like "want it, buy it or get lost!" So I am stuck asking for impressions from Ziio owner here.

Believe me, I am feeling ye' high for sounding so needy...

I have been trawling the web targeting the worst reviews for the Ziio to find out what works and what do not. Of course it not fair to the Ziio, but I wanted to see the Ziio at its "apparent" worst before discarding the BS and focusing on the positives.

1. "If you stick to the remit of a large screen media player, then the Creative ZiiO 7 is worth considering. However, the resistive display will always be a limiting factor, regardless of what updates (official or unofficial) find their way to the device" - Creative ZiiO 7 quick review - Pocket-lint

Well, even I feel they are being unnecessarily harsh, but my main point of concern is, is the screen functional? Are there case or times when we may have to tap multiple times before the device registers our input. This is not a capacitive vs resistive argument for me; I own a N900, so I am used to working on a resistive screen and I do not consider it a negative...its about the build quality or software/driver implementation.

2. "The software implementation is also quite buggy, i’ve noticed. One major issue is the frequent crashing of the on-screen keyboard which forces you to require a cold restart of the device. Similarly, the weather widgets seems to not work at all and occasionally the Google search widget lodges itself into the top notification bar again requiring a restart. These aren’t especially rare occurrences either." Creative ZiiO 7″ Android Tablet Review

Are these issues truly prevalent as they claim?

3. "...swiping across on the home screen is stuttery, as is the flipping of pages in the reading application, and the animations opening the app drawer..." Creative ZiiO 7″ Android Tablet Review

Any comments?

4. "Not very responsive, the slab is already using text input on a slippery slope. Unfortunately for Ziio, precision keyboard is not to go, even after calibration of the screen.

It is often difficult to capture a phrase quickly and try several recovery, especially on the letters side (A / Q / O / P / M) or the edges of the spacebar. No keyboard alternative is provided. Write as much as sending emails is often synonymous with drudgery. Landscape to portrait as ... " Creative ZiiO 7 - Les Numriques

Again it comes back to the screen. Some device screen sensitivity suffers, especially at the edges; and I would like to know has it caused problems for anyone here.

Last, whats the battery life like? Four hours seems to be the common consensus. Does that sounds about right?

I know flash support is missing. Its is a little sad as I do watch trailers for both movies and games I am interested in and I wont be able to see the embedded videos on my favorite sites...but the dedicated Youtube application should take care to it. It's not the perfect solution but I'll survive.

Also any advice on how to make the tablet more user-friendly, like installing ADW Launcher to replace the custom home screen and any other software to make life easier will also be welcomed.

Anyway guys, real feedback about its operation will be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

First, to make one thing clear; I am not trolling or trying to start a war of words with any Ziio fan/owner. If you read up previous post, Ziio is the ONLY choice for an Android tablet in my area. Unfortunately, there is no display model available I can fiddle around with to experience the Ziio for myself. For me, shopkeepers are like "want it, buy it or get lost!" So I am stuck asking for impressions from Ziio owner here.

Believe me, I am feeling ye' high for sounding so needy...

I have been trawling the web, targeting the worst reviews for the Ziio to find out what works and what do not. Of course it not fair to the Ziio, but I wanted to see the Ziio at its "apparent" worst before discarding the BS and focusing on the positives.

1. "If you stick to the remit of a large screen media player, then the Creative ZiiO 7 is worth considering. However, the resistive display will always be a limiting factor, regardless of what updates (official or unofficial) find their way to the device" - Creative ZiiO 7 quick review - Pocket-lint

Well, even I feel they are being unnecessarily harsh, but my main point of concern is, is the screen functional? Are there case or times when we may have to tap multiple times before the device registers our input. This is not a capacitive vs resistive argument for me; I own a N900, so I am used to working on a resistive screen and I do not consider it a negative...its about the build quality or software/driver implementation.

2. "The software implementation is also quite buggy, i’ve noticed. One major issue is the frequent crashing of the on-screen keyboard which forces you to require a cold restart of the device. Similarly, the weather widgets seems to not work at all and occasionally the Google search widget lodges itself into the top notification bar again requiring a restart. These aren’t especially rare occurrences either." Creative ZiiO 7″ Android Tablet Review

Are these issues truly prevalent as they claim?

3. "...swiping across on the home screen is stuttery, as is the flipping of pages in the reading application, and the animations opening the app drawer..." Creative ZiiO 7″ Android Tablet Review

Any comments?

4. "Not very responsive, the slab is already using text input on a slippery slope. Unfortunately for Ziio, precision keyboard is not to go, even after calibration of the screen.

It is often difficult to capture a phrase quickly and try several recovery, especially on the letters side (A / Q / O / P / M) or the edges of the spacebar. No keyboard alternative is provided. Write as much as sending emails is often synonymous with drudgery. Landscape to portrait as ... " Creative ZiiO 7 - Les Numriques

Again it comes back to the screen. Some device screen sensitivity suffers, especially at the edges; and I would like to know has it caused problems for anyone here.

Last, whats the battery life like? Four hours seems to be the common consensus. Does that sounds about right?

I know flash support is missing. Its is a little sad as I do watch trailers for both movies and games I am interested in and I wont be able to see the embedded videos on my favorite sites...but the dedicated Youtube application should take care to it. It's not the perfect solution but I'll survive.

Also any advice on how to make the tablet more user-friendly, like installing ADW Launcher to replace the custom home screen and any other software to make life easier will also be welcomed.

Anyway guys, real feedback about its operation will be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Ok heres my take on the Ziio.
I picked mine up on the 3rd Feb.It was a toss up between the Archos 7o and the Ziio and I went for the Ziio.The difference in price was 30 euros the Ziio being cheaper but that wasnt my deciding factor.
The Specs were ie the 512mb ram over the Archos 256 which if creative are on the ball would make a better machine in the long run.

Right so here goes.
The screen.The screen is probably the best resistive screen Ive ever used.It actually doesnt feel like its resistive its that responsive.

Software--This covers your 2.3.4--Creatives own launcher/customised os is a bit slow.It can feel laggy at times.However Ive been using androids for years and found the same issues with some manufacturers phones--their own implementation of Android being a bit laggy etc.I switched to Adw on Friday night and my god there is some difference in the speed of the menus.Its a whole different ball game.The 512mb ram and 1ghz processor really comes into its own with adw running.There is ZERO lag and the menus open instantly.
The keyboard has never crashed on me so far.So I dont see any problems there. Yes there are times when you might hit the wrong button but Ive been the same on every touch screen device Ive ever owned from Symbian right up to Iphone.In my honest opinion I cant ever see on screen keyboards being as good as old fashioned buttons.

Battery Life--4 Hours????.Not a hope--its going to be way more than that.
Mine came half charged in the box and after probably 4-5 hours of use it needed charging.Yesterday ws the first time Ive fully charged it and I reckon its going to be good for 7-9 hours.

As for Flash support--Its not a big issue for me either.There is skyfire browser which is supposed to make these videos viewable.I havent tried it yet.I use meridian for movies and music which Ive been using since it came out for android phones and Id recommend you get that.

Overall Id give the Ziio a 9 out of 10 only dropping a point for the lack of the market.And in saying that--Its not an issues once you know how to work with .apks and install them manually.
Im looking forward to the lads at Xda getting their hands on one of these to start cooking roms for.The ziio rooted and customised will be one of the best tablets for the money out there.

Hope this small review helps.
Quick update.Just installed the skyfire browser.Its not ideal but it does play full youtube videos.It can be slow to load them though as it seems to convert them "on the fly" to a different format that the Ziio can handle.

A much better browser than the pre installed one.Very nippy and also allows a quick switch betweeen desktop versions and mobile versions of websites.
A recommended install.
I'm just wondering why Creative put the Ziio in the MP3 players group?
Thanks a lot guys. This sealed the deal for me. I'll be forking over my cash for the Ziio. :)

Just to reiterate, install ADW Launcher and Skyfire browser right as soon as I get it, right? ;)

From your reviews, this device will work out fine for me. I'll probably wait till the weekend before taking the plunge.

Once again, thanks for all your help.

Once I get me hands on it, I'll be sure to post my impressions. :)

@ razer: U Rock Bro'!!!
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@ razor:

Did you ever resolve your question about ADW Launcher and getting Meridian Media Player to work on the Ziio? I referring to you post to Dixon at this link:

I am guessing that it all worked out as your post to Dixon is a few days older then mine and you answered to me yesterday that you were using both application...

Thanx in advance!
Yep it all worked out.When you get the Ziio there is an application programe called Zii space.It has a tiny amount of apps on it but when you register the Ziio you get a user name and password for Zii space.The Adw launcher and Meridian worked 100% from this site.If/when you get the ziio pop me an email address and Ill email the apk files directly to you.
Yep it all worked out.When you get the Ziio there is an application programe called Zii space.It has a tiny amount of apps on it but when you register the Ziio you get a user name and password for Zii space.The Adw launcher and Meridian worked 100% from this site.If/when you get the ziio pop me an email address and Ill email the apk files directly to you.

Thanks razor!!! Really appreciate it man.

I'll be popping over to the store this Thursday an picking up my very own piece...

Dang it, I'll feelin' way too excitable to work...and I have to get this report I am working on to my Boss yesterday!

Take care Bro'!
@ razor:

Hey...I noticed that you mentioned the the apps from Zii Space worked 100%. Does this means that apps downloaded from other source cannot be expected to work all the time?

I did see Davids' thread about the list of games that do not work...and I really don't care about that point. What I would like to know is if there is any issues - about compatibility or otherwise - about apps downloaded from sources other then Zii Shop and Zii Space.

I also do not need apps that use GPS functionality...but I would be happy in knowing the 'full' potential of Android - outside of gaming and GPS - is available on the Ziio
@ razor:

Hey...I noticed that you mentioned the the apps from Zii Space worked 100%. Does this means that apps downloaded from other source cannot be expected to work all the time?
Not at all.I had a few different versions of both Adw and Meridian from my android phones and couldnt get some of them to load on the Ziio.The one from Zii space which was a later version worked straight away.So far any apps Ive tried have worked and to be totally honest I only used Adw and meridian from zii space because my own ones didnt work.

What I would like to know is if there is any issues - about compatibility or otherwise - about apps downloaded from sources other then Zii Shop and Zii Space.
No compatibility issues so far other than maybe a later version required which are easily found.

I also do not need apps that use GPS functionality...but I would be happy in knowing the 'full' potential of Android - outside of gaming and GPS - is available on the Ziio

Well you`ll have no worries there.Its fully compatible with all apps Ive tried.