I got my Nexus 7, recommend any apps?

Hi hard to recommend you any app really without knowing which app the nexus comes preloaded with, first of all and second what do you use your tablet for. First thing I do when I get a new tablet, I change the browser because I like DolphinHd browser . If you like games check out Amazon free games...we have a thread on this forum with the free app of the day, I'm going to give you the link. I'm sure that Spider, our administrator is going to move your post to the nexus forum,so at least there they know what apps you already have and they can help you better. Enjoy your new tablet! :)
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Welcome to the Nexus 7 club.... I got one when they first came out and now I also have the wifi/3g model with at&t service on it so I love all of my nexus 7's. Depending on if you plan on rooting and unlocking it, then I would recommend different apps depending on what your going to do. If you do decide to unlock it then trust me you will have endless options for different roms and mods. There is also a nexus 7 toolkit that a developer created that does everything you could want all in one simple easy to use program that doesnt require a lot of extra information. So let me know if you would like the link to the toolkit.
With that said, some non root apps that are good on the nexus 7 (in my opinion) are "Chrome" for a browser, i also like to use "Apex launcher", since there is no micro sd card to remove and add things to i dont always like to plug the usb cord into the computer so I use an app called "Wifi File Transfer", for office docs I use "Officesuite", i use "Pocket" for bookmarking sites, "Evernote" is a decent note and clipping app that syncs to your computer/online as well, "ES File explorer" is my file manager (for non root), "Dropbox" is usually my first app install and then "Folder Sync" follows it so that I can keep files available on my tablet and computer and even my phone, another favorite of mine is "Droidiris" but thats because I like to get a variety of images from google, deviantart, bing, and other image search engines for my graphic design work. A lot of the other apps and tools I use require root access, so its hard for me to name other apps I use on my Nexus 7. If you give me an idea of what type of apps your looking for or even what you do with your tablet then I can recommend more specific apps that I have found work well. Sorry I couldn't help more.

I just made made a modern calculator HoloCalc, and it looks wonderful on my GF's Nexus 7. Please let me know what you think of it!
Is this the Nexus 7 tool kit........... and is this the latest version??
Goo.im Downloads - Browsing google_nexus7


Welcome to the Nexus 7 club.... I got one when they first came out and now I also have the wifi/3g model with at&t service on it so I love all of my nexus 7's. Depending on if you plan on rooting and unlocking it, then I would recommend different apps depending on what your going to do. If you do decide to unlock it then trust me you will have endless options for different roms and mods. There is also a nexus 7 toolkit that a developer created that does everything you could want all in one simple easy to use program that doesnt require a lot of extra information. So let me know if you would like the link to the toolkit.
With that said, some non root apps that are good on the nexus 7 (in my opinion) are "Chrome" for a browser, i also like to use "Apex launcher", since there is no micro sd card to remove and add things to i dont always like to plug the usb cord into the computer so I use an app called "Wifi File Transfer", for office docs I use "Officesuite", i use "Pocket" for bookmarking sites, "Evernote" is a decent note and clipping app that syncs to your computer/online as well, "ES File explorer" is my file manager (for non root), "Dropbox" is usually my first app install and then "Folder Sync" follows it so that I can keep files available on my tablet and computer and even my phone, another favorite of mine is "Droidiris" but thats because I like to get a variety of images from google, deviantart, bing, and other image search engines for my graphic design work. A lot of the other apps and tools I use require root access, so its hard for me to name other apps I use on my Nexus 7. If you give me an idea of what type of apps your looking for or even what you do with your tablet then I can recommend more specific apps that I have found work well. Sorry I couldn't help more.
