I have my Coby!. What should I do for update the tablet and access the google market?


Mar 1, 2011
I have my Coby Kyros 7015-4G
What should i do for update the tablet and access the google market?
Can i make a backup because i will need it if anything goes wrong?
Should i update something for coby.com page before?
Is the same process for all Coby 7015 or have different versions?
Doing everything ok , is it safe and works fine with this root of the tablet?
Thanks a lot!!!!
I see that there are different posts about how to access android market with the coby.
Which should i try?
Is it the same for all of them?
As you posted there are already post about your Question already ... Best thing to do Is READ those post and after reading them if none of your questions were answered then its best to ask in those threads....
I see that there are different posts about how to access android market with the coby.
Which should i try?
Is it the same for all of them?

Honestly, as sndplace mentioned, I would read through the threads. The information is all there. The easiest place to start is the "Stickies". There are a lot of guides posted there. Very good information. Very easy to read. Good luck.