I think I Bricked my Tablet... in a different way..


Nov 7, 2011
I was playing Solitair and went to the bathroom and set on the counter next to the sink..
I was washing my hands, and you guessed it... I somehow knocked it in the sink.....

The screen has a bunch of lines on it and started to make a crackle noise through the speaker..
I quickly took it apart and cut the battery leads to the main board... I'm drying it out right now...

This would be a real funny story if I did not pay $120.00 for the thing!!!!

Maybe I should stick to guitars....
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I've heard of them drying out with no major ill effects, cutting the leads may, however, be problematical when you come to rejoin them!
I hope not. It just looks like two little beads of solder.
I've soldered so much, I feel like I have lead and tin in my fingertips!

How long do you think I should dry it out for?

I intend to solder the ground first then the hot lead..
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I dropped a cell phone in water before, I took it a part placed it in a bowl of uncooked rice for 24 hours, phone worked great after that, the dried rice sucks all the moisture out of the phone.
Hum.... I'll have to think of that... I'm Asian... and we eat a lot of rice... I might not have enough to spare.:rolleyes:
My mother spilled a load of soup onto and into her cellphone, in 24 hours it was up and running again! The rice or an Airing/drying cupboard for 24 hours should just about do it!
Well I got it dried out so it will run, but the screen now has faint lines on one side of the screen, and a general cloudy look on the screen when it shows white areas.
I'm going to stick in rice tonight when I go to bed.

I use it a lot so I'll live with it for the day, or forever if the rice does not fix it.

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Ok. I stuck it in rice.. I really did not need it today.. I'm just addicted to it..

But I may have done it wrong... I used Japanese CalRose rice... Should I have used Texas Long Grain? :p
The rice has improved the screen quite a bit, but I think it is going ttake quite some time before the sceeen is back to normal.

I think it will take three days to a week before it is back to normal, but at least there is hope!

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If you're going to make a habit of dunking your tablet, maybe you should get in a stock of Spanish Calasparra rice, highly recommended for it's liquid absorbing properties!
Well, I give up.
It has not gotten any better or worse.
It looks lousy, but it works...
Performance is fine, just when it displays white, it has grey blotches everywhere.
The lines are gone though.

Before, only one part of the screen had problems, as I put in the rice, it spread to the whole screen.

A lesson for all.... tablets and water don't mix.....

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It's nice to know the rice technique works. Thanks for reporting back, it might help someone with a similar problem somewhere down the road.
It's nice to know the rice technique works. Thanks for reporting back, it might help someone with a similar problem somewhere down the road.

Just as long as they remember that it's UNcooked rice!