I think I made a horrible mistake


Aug 17, 2011
I bought a Epad Tablet (CrystalView) E4/4858 at a pawn shop. I paid $125 for it
I tried to connect it to my computer and it would not show up as a storage device or but did install generic drivers for it. I bought this epad for sales to show costumers pictures of work my company has completed in the past.

One of the main problems I have having is the factory reset does not work it turns the epad of but the previous email accounts and facebook stuff are still there. When I try and change or add accounts it simply comes up with an error. Is there a company support page for CrystalView? to get support? I wish there was a way of flashing it and just installing everything fresh. I have spent 2 days searching the for a company site but have had no success
Hello Dameit, welcome to the forum. I agree with Betty, return it if you can.
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