Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrade Now Available for LePan2


Mar 15, 2012
Le Pan II Upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4. , Le Pan

Le Pan Releases Latest OS Firmware Update For Le Pan II

Upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4.


Los Angeles, CA - July 15th, 2012 - Le Pan, the manufacturer of popular Le Pan Series tablets, announces the Google’s Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) 4.0.4 upgrade to its Le Pan II product line. Available immediately today, the owners of Le Pan II will be able to download Google’s latest ICS 4.0 series OS.

Le Pan promised the buyers of Le Pan II that the tablets will be upgradable and Le Pan is proud that they keeps its promise. Le Pan has work tirelessly with Google to ensure the quality of the firmware and it passed the series of strict rules set by Google and won Google’s certification.

As usual, certified by Google, upgraded Le Pan’s Le Pan II tablet with 4.0.4 OS will be able to continue enjoying Google’s Play Store, Map, Google +, Google talk, etc. features only available to certified tablets.

Different from the current tablets on the market with Google’s ICS 4.0.3, ICS 4.0.4 has pre-installed Google’s latest Chrome Browser. This version of the Browser is specially built for Google’s just announced Jelly Bean OS. Le Pan’s ICS is a giant step ahead of other tablets, adopts “forward looking” ideas to incorporate the future technology and features into its product line. Chrome Browser is Safer, Faster, and Simpler and has more privacy control and personalization. Use Chrome will help you to connect with circle of friends and easy access to more features, functions and readily to upgrade itself to future upgrade without hassles.

The ICS upgrade will be free to Le Pan II owners. Once you download the firmware, the user can follow the instruction to do the upgrade process effortlessly. The contents and other downloaded apps will not be erased. Le Pan is continuing work with Google to develop more products. Keep eyes open and look for more great products are launched this fall.

Wahoo, oodles of thanks! Will try this sucker out as soon as I can swing it :)

Edit: Installed successfully with little difficulty. First time I downloaded the file it didn't unzip properly, but re-downloaded the 196 megabyte install file and it worked like a charm. Install went smoothly following the instructions given, and getting it up and running after only took a bit of time.

Immediate impression is things run more smoothly. Other than the fact that I'm typing on a bluetooth keyboard and the android touchscreen keyboard wants to pop up, zero complaints off the bat. Things are noticeably faster, bluetooth keyboard connects far more smoothly than previously... Very, very pleased with immediate impressions.

Good luck any other ICS converts - worked great for me!
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I'm quite shocked Johna2 isn't the first one in here. Hope he didn't have a stroke when he saw the news... Get well soon!

Further reports... Bluetooth connectivity seems a lot less finicky than with honeycomb. Also, with honeycomb, I noticed that the touch screen began to stick a bit after a while using it, and only a full restart got it working well again for me after. Completely gone now. In general, things are faster - and Chrome beats Dolphin HD and the honeycomb stock browser handily. Much smoother/faster. Spell check is a bit depressing, but, a very welcome addition all considered.

So, all considered, I'd strongly recommend the upgrade after two hours of fiddling. A noticeable improvement in almost every little area I had an issue.
Afrershafter, I'm glad you missed me. I've been on a 24 hour marathon with this at lepanlife. I posted it was coming today, last night at about 10pm. Its been crazy.
I have backed up my apps with App Backup & Restore.
I have downloaded and extracted the install files.

Ready to go...but waiting for more comments.
I generally don't jump in too quickly!
I am now on ICS & it was relatively quick & easy. There is nothing really to fear. The best part is that it fixed the wi-fi issue that has long plagued my LePan2.
I second lepan69s comments. Easy to do. Just follow the instructions carefully. 500% improvement in the way it works. Well worth the effort. Find tons of info at
The only part that I got tripped up on is that I used WinZip to extract the files -- that will not work. You can download 7zip for free & it does the trick.
I followed instructions and had no problems. It is great. Lots faster and wifi seems better and more stable. I had trouble with my backed up apps but it was my fault. I am very glad to have ICS. It was worth the wait. I wish I had it on my phone.
Just upgraded to ICS. Super easy to do. Just follow the directions and its a snap. Love it so far! I had to reinstall all my apps (probably my error). It works awesome with the LP2!
Love ics but now my wifi doesn't reconnect after screen lock. I have to turn connection off and back on. It sees the ap but times out the connection. Am I the only one?
There are quite a few users suffering from wi fi issues after the ics update. Le Pan is aware of it and working on it. There is a lot more info at
I'm running ICS right now and its beautiful, no problems whatsoever. Everything seems to run more fluid. And even some apps have improved since the update. Also the new chrome browser is the best yet. Netflix streams flawlessly emails come in just as well as honeycomb. It connects to my hidden wireless network almost instantly. Very satisfied.
I recently upgraded to ICS on the Le Pan 2 but noticed options to change ringtones in the settings page. Also when i try to download apps on Google Play it detects a phone rather than a tablet. does no one else have this issue?
There is "Ringtones and notifications " In sound settings. What do mean google Play detects a phone?