I'm a New Member....Yipee!!

Elizabeth Berry

Junior Member
Jul 26, 2017
Hi folks, came across this Forum whilst searching for an answer to why my LG 8.0 Pad' battery was not charging. Literally googled this question & hey presto, found a similar question, a reply to said question & subsequently an answer, which ACTUALLY WORKED!! This, to me was an invaluable as I use my Android device for more things than I thought. When I thought that it maybe too expensive to fix, one thinks about the impact of not actually having to one for a whilst sorting out a solution. I can do without FB, Messenger and most Social Media for a while, I'm not dependent (or addicted - thus far), but not the PHOTOS!!! (yep, should have backed up, waiting for the 'trickle charge' to complete recharge, will be my first port of call)!! I could not do without my little powerful mobile Encyclopaedia, the camera, the mere simplicity of roaming with my Bluetooth speaker, the list goes one. ....soo......a Big Thanks from me to whoever started this up. Will read up some more and educated myself with the history. I do have 'many' questions, will post separately in order to make them 'search-friendly'?? Kindest Lizzie..
Welcome - ATF (2)~01.jpg
Hi Elizabeth, congratulations on your LG 8.0 and welcome to the forum. nice to hear you're enjoying it so much.