New Here and to Android


Nov 9, 2012
I recently bought my first smartphone and went with the Android operating system. I also just bought my first tablet. I actually tried Windows new surface tablet with windows rt but ended up returning it. Not because I didn't like it but because the operating system takes up too much of your storage space.
I did a lot of research and saw many good reviews on the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T so I bought that instead. I'm having a few issues with it which is why I went searching for some help sites and ended up here.
I hope someone will be able to answer some of my questions since the store where I bought the tablet were of absolutely no help.
Congrats on your tablet purchase.

Have a look at the Master Help Guide link in my signature. It is from a sister forum for Asus Tablets and it will help you learn about Android and get to to be a seasoned pro in no time!
Hi Sheryl, congratulations on your new TF700T and welcome to the forum. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Asus TF700 Forum would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. Enjoy the forum!
Hi sheryltoo, good choice to go with Android, lots of friendly and helpful people here, welcome! :)
Hi Sandy, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets, thanks for becoming a member of the forum.
I thought I should introduce myself again since I now own a different tablet from the one I mentioned when I joined this group. I got frustrated with the display settings for the transformer and wasn't real happy with the keyboard so I returned it and "tried" an ipad for a few days only I hated it, so I'm back with an Android tablet but this time I'm trying the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.
The salesman said the display was closet to an ipad which was the only thing I liked about an ipad.
I was kind of getting the hang of the Asus transformer but now I see I need to start all over and learn how to use the Samsung tablet.
Hi again Sheryl, congratulations on your new Note 10.1. Sometimes it's a matter of what feels best to you, not what the specification say or any reviews say. If the Note seems like the right one, then it probably is the right one for you. When you get a chance, please go to your profile and change the Tablet / Device entry. That way we'll be able to keep up with which tablet you've got.:rolleyes:
Thanks. I updated my profile. I'm hoping this is going to be a keeper, well maybe not this particular tablet but this particular brand. I bought one with 16gbs because I thought that's all they made but I see I could have bought a 32gb tablet. I'm down to 10 gbs of free space so I'm a little concerned that I'm going to run out of storage unless I can figure out how to save things to an sd card. I tried to do that with a photo but I don't think it went to the card.