Impression 9.7 Android Tablet Need Help


Dec 8, 2011
Hello everyone,
I'm completely new to the tablet world and purchased 2 of the Impression tablets for my daughters 6 and 8 yrs old. I basically want them to be able to watch movies that I have on my laptop on there tablet as well as play games and read books. I have tried adding the movies to the video folder but they will not play. Can someone please help me in pointing me to the right player that will play any files such as the desktop version of the VLC Player. Thank you in advance for your help.
A frustrated father.....:confused:
Hi Armas83,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us. We have a forum on the board for this brand, but I am new to researching it. There are so many tablets to look at now a days. Does it's preinstalled player not work at all? You should be able to mount the SD card and view media from it if I understand the way it works correctly. Have you tried this and it's not working? Do you get a specific error? I don't know of a VLC App offhand, maybe someone with more experience with the apps can help. Or maybe this could be moved to the Leader International Board here on the board. I hope someone is able to help you soon, but if you can answer some of my above questions it will help them to help you faster, one last one, what OS does it have? 2.2 or 2.3? Or which one?
Hello Armas, welcome to Android Tablets. I see from your other posts that you're already downloading things and probably already found a viewer that works. In case you haven't, I'm moving your post to the Leader International Tablets section to see if anyone there can help.
@Pamster thank you for the warm welcome. The pre-installed player does work just wont play the format of the movies. I have found a converter which I'm currently using to convert my movies on my laptop once converted I transfer to the Tablet and they have worked so far. That is I've also DL another player to the tablet appears to have solved the problem. I'm not sure of the operating system version as the Tablet is @ home right now. The most frustrating thing is that I can't seem to find a way to get the android market on this tablet. I DL a Blachmart app which is similar to the android market i guess. Also can anyone tell me how to root this tablet? and what the benifits are of rooting? Totally new to this whole thing..
@Spider thank you for the move and nice to meet you.
All I wanna do is set this thing up before Xmas so that they'll have games, movies, music, and books there reading leverl to read..
Thank you all for your help its greatly appriciated...Happy Holidays..
Thanks Jaeski33, now I got my videos to play I also DL the n64roid for roms and everytime I try to open the rom it closes out and states "un-able to open rom" any idea what app I can use to play the NES,SNES,64, Genises roms??? Thanks
Hello everyone,
I'm completely new to the tablet world and purchased 2 of the Impression tablets for my daughters 6 and 8 yrs old. I basically want them to be able to watch movies that I have on my laptop on there tablet as well as play games and read books. I have tried adding the movies to the video folder but they will not play. Can someone please help me in pointing me to the right player that will play any files such as the desktop version of the VLC Player. Thank you in advance for your help.
A frustrated father.....:confused:

I had a similar Issue. I manage to rip my DVD and Blu-rays movies and converted them to H264 or MP4 Format using AVS4YOU. They all work now. I had to make a directory on my 16GB Micro SD and copy the movies to that folder. Inserted the back into the Tablet and mounted the SD Card, selected Movies and they Works perfectly. Hope this helps. By the way, did you Impression 9.7 come with the Andriod Market App? I am trying to Download and install the HSN and QVC Apps for my Impression Tablet. Keep getting error message no Andriod Phone associated with this account. I have tried Forums, Google Tech support, etc. No answers. The same with Leaderinternational.
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Hi Armas83,

Some of the tablets may not have flash player installed by accident. If this is the case, please follow the directions in package for customer service and email the appropriate entity for exchange of the tablet. If you need detailed and direct communication, please email to: [email protected] and provide your name and contact information. Meanwhile, there are many other products rolling out that are much better quality such as the 10.1" tablet that is working perfectly!
Hello Frustrated Father,
I just joined this site today and I had the same issue. I have the impression i-10-80. I wanted to watch my Netflix’s. I had to contact the Impression site and tell them the app did not download from the Amazon app store. I had spoken to Amazon and Netflix. I wrote Impressions on there website and the programmed the tablet to get the app. You have to go under your tablet name from their home page. Look and pick the Firmware update. Read the instructions first. After the update you have to turn the tablet off. Only thing you will lose everything you had on your tablet. I was told by an IT friend to move all my games and things I wanted to the SD card and remove the card from the tablet before doing this upgrade. Of course I forgot and lost all my games. No big deal just put them back on from the Amazon app store. I am not sure if the upgrade will work without a memory card in the tables. I am good now I added the Netflix’s app and can watch my movies.
That was one of the main reasons I bought it. Hope this helped. I like the tablet don't have to carry the laptop all the time. Now if you don't have Netflix’s. I suggest you write the support people at Impressions and see if they can upgrade you the movie fuction you want. It took about 3 weeks before they responded back but they did and it work.
Hello Carson,
Thanks for telling how to put movies on the SD have to try that. I get the sam error not having a phone number. I am going to contact the Impressions folks again they do get back to you just takes a while.

I also have an Impression 10-80 and I have two concerns. One is about the spotty wireless and I was looking for a usb wireless adapter that might give me a better signal. The other was whether I could upgrade to Honeycomb 3.0 if that were even possible. Does anyone have any ideas on that?

I recently purchased a idea usa 9.7"HD Touch Screen Google Android OS. I'm trying to get a tech support number so I can get it checked out. The tablet will no longer hold a charge.