Inside Your VTAB - no tools required


Dec 3, 2011
For those who would like to see the insides of their VTAB without breaking plastic tabs, etc. There is a great document with 19 pictures of the insides. Go to the link below and select Internal Photos - for some reason it is blocked unless you go through the link below.

Here is the page indexing attachments to Vizio's FCC filing:

FCC OET Exhibits List


Edited because it looks like you need to access the Internal Photos link from the index link.
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I tried to view the pics but it wants to download them as a pdf file. Maybe i'll have to try from my desktop.
Yes, they are .pdf files - but the picture quality is great and well worth the download time. Enjoy!
I just tried the link today and got an error message: "No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF" Is there any other way to obtain the pictures?