Installing the Android Market on the Nook Color running Honeycomb:


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
Installing the Android Market on the Nook Color running Honeycomb:

1. Download this version of the Market (2.2.11).

2. Download GoogleServicesFramework.apk.

3. Place the files in your adb tools folder (or platform-tools on the newer version - wherever adb.exe is)

4. Open a command prompt in that folder, and issue the following commands:

adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system

adb push Vending.apk system/app/Vending.apk

adb push GoogleServicesFramework.apk system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk

adb shell

cd system/app

chmod 6755 Vending.apk

chmod 6755 GoogleServicesFramework.apk


adb reboot

Then go to apps, open the market, sign in. If the Market won't open at first, reboot and try again.

This was originally posted over on AndroidCentral by Will Shanklin.
I cannot get this to work at all. I have Honeycomb running on an SD card on my Nook Color, but adb will not mount my nook color. Not sure why but I cannot mount the nook at all. Any help would be much appreciated. I've tried suggestions at many different websites but to no avail. My nook will not mount.

Is there any way to install the android market by simply doing it directly to the sd card? I can mount the sd card in my computer fine, but when it's in the nook color it's a no go!
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Sounds like you need to install the drivers for adb. There is no reason you can't, but why are you running honeycomb on a Nook Color? This is a dead end ROM with CM7 (gingerbread) fully developed and CM9 (ICS) in development and stables coming soon? There is no real reason to be trying to use honeycomb and thus no real support for it.


EDIT: Also you realize this thread is over a year old and the Market version has changed since then right? It isn't even called Market anymore.
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Thanks J515OP... I already have a working CM7 install on a 16GB microsd card (with Google Play Store installed). I just wanted to try out Honeycomb. Honeycomb does run pretty badly on the Nook Color. I'll just stick with CM7 and be happy about that.

Thanks again for the reply.
Thanks J515OP... I already have a working CM7 install on a 16GB microsd card (with Google Play Store installed). I just wanted to try out Honeycomb. Honeycomb does run pretty badly on the Nook Color. I'll just stick with CM7 and be happy about that.

Thanks again for the reply.

Sure thing :) I understand trying new things can be fun but before getting into things too far I thought it was worth mentioning that HC on the Nook is pretty much dead.

If you want to get the HC experience but much better try the CM9 ICS ROMs. Internal and bootable SD versions are available. Even in the early stages they are very nice. I am using CM9 as a daily driver on my NC.
Sure thing :) I understand trying new things can be fun but before getting into things too far I thought it was worth mentioning that HC on the Nook is pretty much dead.

If you want to get the HC experience but much better try the CM9 ICS ROMs. Internal and bootable SD versions are available. Even in the early stages they are very nice. I am using CM9 as a daily driver on my NC.

Thanks, I'll give that a try. I've got a few spare MicroSD cards hanging around for a quick CM9 experiment. :)