is dead?


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2011
I bought superPAD flytouch2. Recived it yesterday, turn on(was 13% of battery). Connected charger and while it works battery level grows up to 50+%. I used it near one hour but then screen become black.Backlight still worked and i thought that it just freezed. I press power button how discribed in user manual - no result. Then I pressed "reset" button and backlight turned off... After that - device isn't turning on. It dosn't do anything when I pressing power button. I opened device, dispatch batteries for a some time and than return that back but there are no effect...

Is it dead? Or anybody knows how I can repair device?

P.S. sorry my english
I charged device full day till now, but it does not take effect. Some interesting: time after time red diod just turn off instead become green...
This may not help but my pad does not show a green light when charged the red light just turns off, I did have a problem with mine where the charging socket was not soldered onto the circuit board correctly so I had to put a bit more solder on to make sure it charged OK.

Have you a meter that you can check the the charger is actually charging, if that is OK it is then probably the socket on the pad or if not then you make have a faulty battery.
I think that factory fault and waiting shop to replace pad, but I hoped that can repair that and use but looks like I can't... Thanks everybody for help...