Is Storage Just Limited By Card Size In The 7015? Will It Take 32GB?


Mar 6, 2011
I read somewhere that the 7015 is limited to 16GB storage simply because that's the limit of the MicroSD cards. Well, I found a 32GB MicroSD and I'm wondering if it could be used. I don't know if the 16GB limit is just old info before 32GB was available in a MicroSD or if there's some other reason. The 7005 will take a 32GB card but it takes a regular SD card I think.

Anyone tried a 32GB MicroSD in one? The new 7025/26 says it takes a 32GB MicroSD so that just got me thinking that the limit on the 7015 may just be because 16GB was all that was available when it was first made...I don't know though.
From what i have read the 7015 will only take up to 16GB SD card because the 800 mhz processor cannot handle the larger SD cards.
Ah...thanks. I really didn't want to spend the money on a 32GB unless I was certain it would work. They're quite expensive really.

I see the 7026 is advertised as being able to take a 32GB MicroSD. I hope that's accurate...I saw the 7015 advertised once as being able to take a 32GB also so I'm not really sure if I can believe it about the 7026 or not.

BTW...anyone looking to buy a 7015? I just bought this one a couple days ago and rooted it and installed the Clockwork mod but the day after I saw the ads for the 7026 and decided I want one of those instead. Not sure that I could return this one to Amazon or not now that it's been modded so figured I would just try to sell it.