Is there a Cruz Velocity tutorial?

Jul 19, 2012
Hi All. I'm a 65 year old women who has used a computer all my life. I was trained by the makers of the original IBM computers back in the day so I DO know SOMETHING about using a computer, lol. But alas, my knowledge of touch screens, and tablets is way under par. But I want to learn.

My Cruz Velocity arrived today. I figuered out how to turn it on, how to find a wi fi network (unlocked), but I can't et on the internet. It says I'm connected but when I type in youtube in the google task bar, it just brings me to other google stuff and not youtube. I wish to access youtube and Facebook. It shows me Facebook info but doesn't let me get to FB or other places. Do I need to download an app so I can get on these places. I thought once I got a tablet and found a wi fi connection, I could just type in the url and I would be whisked away.

Well that is NOT happening. lol And the date and time is all wrong. I looked at the little pamphlet that came with it and it said to tap on the settings icon. Where is this? I can't find it.

See, once I learn something, THEN I know it. But I have to learn it first.

So is there a good Cruz Velocity tutorial that will teach this newbie FROM SCRATCH. Exactly how to operate a tablet.

Thanks very much if you can help me.


First off welcome to the forum and second welcome to the wonderful world that is Android. That is a weird issue you are having because you should be able to go right to those sites but apps are the best thing about Android and the best way to get to those places you are trying. I cant recall if the cruz comes with the market on it but I do know you can add it depending on what version of the cruz you have. Here is the velocity section, it might have some tips in it for you Velocity Micro Tablets. One really good thing about Android is once you learn one device you can pretty much use any other Android device so if you find a tutorial about any Android device it should help you out with your tablet. Also there should be a settings button in the app drawer which is where all of your apps are.
Hi Elizabeth , congratulations on your new Cruz Velocity and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here with us. I'm moving your thread to the Velocity Micro Tablets section for you, where more people with your tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Hi Elizabeth , congratulations on your new Cruz Velocity and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here with us. I'm moving your thread to the Velocity Micro Tablets section for you, where more people with your tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!

Hi! I'm completeley new to the Android OS but have rooted my Cruz T408 using instructions from several websites, and now have the SuperUser access. I installed the Market & ROM Manager, so I now have a CWM Recovery. But I can't tell which ICS ROM to use without ruining the tablet! Any suggestions? Thanks.